
Nakuru, Kenya


$0 to go

100% funded of $595 goal


days left




Member since

July 2013

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  100%

About Me

Education is life and thats what i always tell everyone around me because i know that education can give everything you want or take you anywhere you want,I am francis wacieni and i love my job which is spreading information,i run a small bookshopshop but it is able to provide my own needs and am able even to pay my bills and make it to buy new stock in time as time is of the essense in this world we live in.challenges are there to challenge us but with good skills we can conquer all with our heart

My Business

To make ends meet we not only need ourselves but also the world around us,i think you are going to help me and fund my job more and i will be able to pass education more and more to the people in our society with ease.i will use the funds to buy more stock for my job and i will be able to attract more and more customer at my work and after using the funds and improving my job i will be able to pay back on time with ease,i know asking is hard but i hope you consider my application and grant my wish.

Loan Proposal

I would like to thank zididsha lenders for the first loan they granted me since i have been able to add stock in my bookshop and business is doing well now.Education is life and that what i always tell everyone around me because i know that education can give everything you want or take you anywhere you want,I am francis wacieni and i love my job which is spreading information,i run a small bookshopshop but it is able to provide my own needs and am able even to pay my bills and make it to buy new stock in time as time is of the essense in this world we live in.challenges are there to challenge us but with good skills we can conquer all with our heart.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


Other loans

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  • mewesten    Dec 3, 2013

    Hello Francis,
    Could you post something factual about you business? Some idea of your sales and projected net income would be most helpful. Thank you.

    Also, you posts are appearing multiple times. Is this an error? They are difficult to scroll through. Thanks.

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  • Francis    Nov 28, 2013

    In the midst of the world events that are rapidly unfolding, and of the whirl and pressure of outer activity, we must remember that all visible, material events have inner causes stemming from the imagination from thought, and from the will. Hold this firmly in your awareness and live accordingly; spread its acceptance; apply it with persistence in promoting the new forms that will be taking the place of tile old ones.The first thing we must do in order to approach our subject (as must be done in dealing with any topic) is to define its true nature and meaning in clear terms; i.e. to make a. terminological (semantic) specification. It is particularly necessary to do this in the case of education so that we may become aware of the existence of a basic misunderstanding, or confusion that must be eliminated.

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  • Francis    Nov 28, 2013

    In the midst of the world events that are rapidly unfolding, and of the whirl and pressure of outer activity, we must remember that all visible, material events have inner causes stemming from the imagination from thought, and from the will. Hold this firmly in your awareness and live accordingly; spread its acceptance; apply it with persistence in promoting the new forms that will be taking the place of tile old ones.The first thing we must do in order to approach our subject (as must be done in dealing with any topic) is to define its true nature and meaning in clear terms; i.e. to make a. terminological (semantic) specification. It is particularly necessary to do this in the case of education so that we may become aware of the existence of a basic misunderstanding, or confusion that must be eliminated.

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  • Francis    Sep 11, 2013

    In the midst of the world events that are rapidly unfolding, and of the whirl and pressure of outer activity, we must remember that all visible, material events have inner causes stemming from the imagination from thought, and from the will. Hold this firmly in your awareness and live accordingly; spread its acceptance; apply it with persistence in promoting the new forms that will be taking the place of tile old ones.The first thing we must do in order to approach our subject (as must be done in dealing with any topic) is to define its true nature and meaning in clear terms; i.e. to make a. terminological (semantic) specification. It is particularly necessary to do this in the case of education so that we may become aware of the existence of a basic misunderstanding, or confusion that must be eliminated.

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  • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

    We learned to see, at long last. Partway through the millennium, we figured out how to shape and polish glass so as to see far and to see small, and we dug back into dead languages of previous millenniums to name our new aids to seeing -- telescope, microscope, spectroscope, spectrophotometer, spectroheliograph and, eventually, television. We figured out the art, the geometry and the semantics of perspective. No wonder our superheroes had X-ray vision; so did we. And infrared vision, and ultraviolet vision, and gamma-ray vision and nuclear-magnetic-resonant vision.We extended our sight far beyond the tiny spectrum our unaided eyes could handle, from violet to red. We learned to see, at long last. Partway through the millennium, we figured out how to shape and polish glass so as to see far and to see small, and we dug back into dead languages of previous millenniums to name our new aids to seeing -- telescope, microscope, spectroscope, spectrophotometer, spectroheliograph and, eventually, television. We figured out the art, the geometry and the semantics of perspective. No wonder our superheroes had X-ray vision; so did we. And infrared vision, and ultraviolet vision, and gamma-ray vision and nuclear-magnetic-resonant vision.We extended our sight far beyond the tiny spectrum our unaided eyes could handle, from violet to red.

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  • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

    We learned to see, at long last. Partway through the millennium, we figured out how to shape and polish glass so as to see far and to see small, and we dug back into dead languages of previous millenniums to name our new aids to seeing -- telescope, microscope, spectroscope, spectrophotometer, spectroheliograph and, eventually, television. We figured out the art, the geometry and the semantics of perspective. No wonder our superheroes had X-ray vision; so did we. And infrared vision, and ultraviolet vision, and gamma-ray vision and nuclear-magnetic-resonant vision.We extended our sight far beyond the tiny spectrum our unaided eyes could handle, from violet to red.

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  • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

    We learned to see, at long last. Partway through the millennium, we figured out how to shape and polish glass so as to see far and to see small, and we dug back into dead languages of previous millenniums to name our new aids to seeing -- telescope, microscope, spectroscope, spectrophotometer, spectroheliograph and, eventually, television. We figured out the art, the geometry and the semantics of perspective. No wonder our superheroes had X-ray vision; so did we. And infrared vision, and ultraviolet vision, and gamma-ray vision and nuclear-magnetic-resonant vision.We extended our sight far beyond the tiny spectrum our unaided eyes could handle, from violet to red.

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  • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

    I have a secret. Something that no one knows. something that no one will ever know.
    I've kept this secret for 11 years. hate this secret, for it has been a heavy burden on my back.
    I have no choice but to keep my mouth shut. I have no choice but to die with this secret.
    I have no choice but to let it remain a secret, for the sake of my family.
    There are times when I was so close to revealing this secret of mine....but never did.
    It's so hard to know something that you know is wrong and know you must say something but you just can't . I hate secrets but I guess if you knew what it'd keep it secret too.
    Secrets will haunt you forever...Secrets will eat you alive..Secrets will cause you pain...
    My secret shall never surface

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  • johnandmoliehi    Sep 4, 2013

    Hello....have you been able to increase your "stock" ? ....and by "stock" do you mean books, paper, pencils etc ??? take care......Linda

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  • johnandmoliehi    Sep 4, 2013

    Hello....have you been able to increase your "stock" ? ....and by "stock" do you mean books, paper, pencils etc ??? take care......Linda

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    • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

      hey i thank you for everything since i have been able to icrease my stock and yes,my stock is in terms of book and the rest of the stationery

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    • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

      hey i thank you for everything since i have been able to icrease my stock and yes,my stock is in terms of book and the rest of the stationery

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    • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

      thanks i have increased my stock and yes,it is the stationery kind

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    • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

      thanks i have increased my stock and yes,it is the stationery kind

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    • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

      thanks i have increased my stock and yes,it is the stationery kind

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    • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

      thanks i have increased my stock and yes,it is the stationery kind

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    • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

      thanks i have increased my stock and yes,it is the stationery kind

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    • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

      thanks i have increased my stock and yes,it is the stationery kind

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    • Francis    Sep 5, 2013

      thanks i have increased my stock and yes,it is the stationery kind

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  • Francis    Sep 3, 2013

    I thank zidisha for funding my business and I am very grateful for their good work and I hope they continue with the same spirit I use the funds wisely and make sure to pay back on time so that not to cause any inconvenience with the funds as they gave me the funds whole heartedly and I hope my business runs down smoothly and hope to be more and more associated with zidisha for another chance if I get one to fund my business again, thank you very much zidisha for everything you will make me achieve in my business life.for these i will always be grateful for all the good deeds the programme has proved to me and to the rest of the world,than you for all.

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  • Francis    Sep 3, 2013

    I thank zidisha for funding my business and I am very grateful for their good work and I hope they continue with the same spirit I use the funds wisely and make sure to pay back on time so that not to cause any inconvenience with the funds as they gave me the funds whole heartedly and I hope my business runs down smoothly and hope to be more and more associated with zidisha for another chance if I get one to fund my business again, thank you very much zidisha for everything you will make me achieve in my business life.for these i will always be grateful for all the good deeds the programme has proved to me and to the rest of the world,than you for all.

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  • Francis    Sep 3, 2013

    As it was my intention when I was asking for the loan at zidisha ,I wanted to use my funds to improve my business and ensure that I would increase my sales through the introduction of new goods to increase my stock and as such I have increased my stock and now I a am having customers as expected and as a result of that I employed one more employee to help me with my work since I needed someone who would be incharge of record keeping as opposed to earlier when it was my duty to take daily stock in my bookshop.with the help of my new employee I am now able to handle my work with ease. And that is very helpful to me as the chores are being taken care of.

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  • Francis    Sep 3, 2013

    As it was my intention when I was asking for the loan at zidisha ,I wanted to use my funds to improve my business and ensure that I would increase my sales through the introduction of new goods to increase my stock and as such I have increased my stock and now I a am having customers as expected and as a result of that I employed one more employee to help me with my work since I needed someone who would be incharge of record keeping as opposed to earlier when it was my duty to take daily stock in my bookshop.with the help of my new employee I am now able to handle my work with ease. And that is very helpful to me as the chores are being taken care of.

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  • Francis    Sep 3, 2013

    We learned to see, at long last. Partway through the millennium, we figured out how to shape and polish glass so as to see far and to see small, and we dug back into dead languages of previous millenniums to name our new aids to seeing -- telescope, microscope, spectroscope, spectrophotometer, spectroheliograph and, eventually, television. We figured out the art, the geometry and the semantics of perspective. No wonder our superheroes had X-ray vision; so did we. And infrared vision, and ultraviolet vision, and gamma-ray vision and nuclear-magnetic-resonant vision.We extended our sight far beyond the tiny spectrum our unaided eyes could handle, from violet to red.

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  • Francis    Sep 3, 2013

    We learned to see, at long last. Partway through the millennium, we figured out how to shape and polish glass so as to see far and to see small, and we dug back into dead languages of previous millenniums to name our new aids to seeing -- telescope, microscope, spectroscope, spectrophotometer, spectroheliograph and, eventually, television. We figured out the art, the geometry and the semantics of perspective. No wonder our superheroes had X-ray vision; so did we. And infrared vision, and ultraviolet vision, and gamma-ray vision and nuclear-magnetic-resonant vision.We extended our sight far beyond the tiny spectrum our unaided eyes could handle, from violet to red.

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  • Francis    Aug 27, 2013

    As you probably know, half of the people who work in this country work for small businesses. And it's more than that, because two out of every three net new jobs come from small business. So we mean it when we talk about small business being the engine for the economy.It's not government that creates jobs; it's small business. Our job is to make sure they have the access to capital, the access to contracting opportunities, and the help, advice and mentoring that they need to go out and be successful.We are not going to be the agency where large businesses can masquerade as a small business and get a contract. We are closing down on fraud, waste and abuse.

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  • Francis    Aug 27, 2013

    We learned to see, at long last. Partway through the millennium, we figured out how to shape and polish glass so as to see far and to see small, and we dug back into dead languages of previous millenniums to name our new aids to seeing -- telescope, microscope, spectroscope, spectrophotometer, spectroheliograph and, eventually, television. We figured out the art, the geometry and the semantics of perspective. No wonder our superheroes had X-ray vision; so did we. And infrared vision, and ultraviolet vision, and gamma-ray vision and nuclear-magnetic-resonant vision.We extended our sight far beyond the tiny spectrum our unaided eyes could handle, from violet to red.

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  • Francis    Aug 27, 2013

    Yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone. The problem is that hungry people are trapped in severe poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to nourish themselves. Being constantly malnourished, they become weaker and often sick. This makes them increasingly less able to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier. This downward spiral often continues until death for them and their families.
    There are effective programs to break this spiral. For adults, there are “food for work” programs where the adults are paid with food to build schools, dig wells, make roads, and so on. This both nourishes them and builds infrastructure to end the poverty. For children, there are “food for education” programs where the children are provided with food when they attend school. Their education will help them to escape from hunger and global poverty.
    Hunger and World Poverty Sources: United Nations World Food Program (WFP), Oxfam, UNICEF.
    Note: The world hunger map display above is representational only and does not show the names and faces of real people. The photographs are computer composites of multiple individuals.

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  • Francis    Aug 27, 2013

    Behind every small business, there's a story worth knowing. All the corner shops in our towns and cities, the restaurants, cleaners, gyms, hair salons, hardware stores - these didn't come out of nowhere.I started out mopping floors, waiting tables, and tending bar at my dad's tavern. I put myself through school working odd jobs and night shifts. I poured my heart and soul into a small business. And when I saw how out-of-touch Nakuru had become with the core values of this great nation, I put my name forward and ran for officeAnd what most people don't understand is the bulk of business in this country is small business.

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