Improvement of business


Rangwe, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

March 2017

On-time repayments

15 installments  •  40%

About Me

I am Billy Bruce Otieno, a Kenyan Citizen aged 23 years. I was born on the 24th day of September, 1994. Three years later, my dad passed on and was therefore raised by my mother.

I went to the local public primary schools around my home, later joined Kuoyo Kochia Secondary school where I did my Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education and attained a mean grade of B- (Minus). During my time in high school, I did Computer studies as a subject which later helped me make some money after school. I worked with Hans Ochola, who owned a Cyber Cafe after high school, as I was still waiting to join the University.

My mother tried so hard and I later joined Maseno University under the Self-Sponsored programme, which is very expensive, where I enrolled for a course leading to a Bachelor in education Arts with IT (English and Literature).

Since the fees was becoming a problem, I decided to change my programme to a part time school-based studies, which could let me make me earn a little to help pay the fees.

I started teaching at a local Secondary school (Omoche Mixed secondary school), where I worked for about a year then realized things were not working out as planned. With the little money I earned there, I purchased A Desktop Computer and a printer, then I settled for Printing business.

Until now, that is what I have expanded on as I still continue with my studies as well.

My Business

My business is a combined one. I do printing of documents, photocopying, Typesetting, Scanning, Binding, lamination and also offer internet services.

I also often than not sell movies to clients(though not very many as people are not so much into movies and series)

I have good relationship with my clients, making sure that they come each time they need a service.

Currently, am working on a project to help me buy a bigger and better copying machine, that will help me request for tenders from schools that need printing of exams.

Loan Proposal

This loan will therefor be of great help to me, as I shall buy more cards and later sell them at a profit This means I can buy memory cards at wholesale price and sell them at retail, giving me an impressive commision on each card sold.

Customers served well by my products end up coming back for more, hence creating strong business relationship between the two parties






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 21, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

5 weeks




United States

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