Inventory of cereals to sell for the christmas season

Monicah Wangechi

Free-hold Estate, Kenya

9% repaid



Monicah Wangechi

Member since

December 2014

On-time repayments

125 installments  •  6%

About Me

I am Monicah Wangechi,a mother of two children(a boy & a girl)and also a small scale business lady.I come from a humble family background.My entire nuclear family consists of my husband,Mr.Jared,who is also an employee in one of Supermarket in town,(Quickmatt Supermarket),two kids and myself. I have been schooling in Ol-Kalou during my early childhood until i finished my O level education back in the 2004's .
I later moved to Rift Valley Province,specifically Nakuru for my college,which happened to be a pupil at the Kenya Institute of Managements(K.I.Ms) for about 4 years and i later graduated with a Distinction in Business Management upper level.It is from the experience i had acquired from my studies that made me to think of empowering my self and from the financial assistance from my beloved husband,i was able to start a small shop in selling dry farm produce commonly known as Cereals.Thank you.

My Business

My business comprises of selling specifically dry farm produce locally known as Cereals.I have been in this Cereals business for two and half years now.In my store you can get goods like rice,all types of beans,green-grams,cooking oil(liquid & solid)among other goods for domestic use.My business is also registered with the County's by laws and issued with an annual trading permit.Since the food sector is ever demanding to my customers,i have been looking for an extra coin to increase my working capital and as a result,the Zidisha family had come to fill the gap and i thank God for your generous support to my business.
Since my store is withing the village,i have been doing well in terms of sales for the last month of November.For instance,i was able to get a total sals of Kes.71,255.After restocking with Kes.46,600paying business rent of Kes.6,000,and home expenses of Kes.8,000,I was left with Kes.10,655.Part of the profit(20%) i revolved back to business and 60% i save for my family future investment,the rest 20% i use it for my family upkeep.
Although i have been facing various financial constrains to improve my business,there is an ever demanding of the goods each new day,since i am the only one who supplies all the varieties of different foods in our modern market.Through these,i have been will for a loan from your Micro-finance to pump more for bulky produce which attracts fair prices from the distributor compared by buying locally.Through your kind and generous support,i will be able to buy bulky goods and in return i will be able to be selling at a competitively price to my loyal customers which translates to better sales revenue at the end of the day's sales.Kindly assist my business and Thank you in advance to you all.God bless you all.Thank you

Loan Proposal

Thank you Zidisha Microfinance for you kind assistance.Through your
kind and generous support,i will be able to buy bulky goods like Pishori rice 50Kgs @ 2bags at Kes.4,200 ,Wairimu beans25Kgs @ kes.2,150 and Njahi beans 15Kgs at Kes.1,600.This will make my store more stoked as this are the commodities which are in high demand during this end of year festivities.It is my kind appeal to the lenders to please boost my business for better future.Thank you and kindly welcome for bidding my dear lenders.God bless you all in advance.Welcome.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 18, 2014

Repayment status


Projected term

29 months



Benedicte Monroe

Sarasota// Phnom Penh, United States



Bremen, Germany



SOUTHBANK, Australia



Berkeley, United States

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