Member since
September 2018
On-time repayments
101 installments • 74%
I am Edwin Chui. I was born and raised in Central Kenya, schooled in Nairobi and USA.
I believe that the quickest way to develop Africa is to support the scaling of small businesses in Africa.
LeoMart is a retail business that is working to grow from the ground up. I envision that it will be a fully fledged supermarket outlet in 2.5 years.
I will use the business to scale the cereals retailing business of Leomart which involves buying at wholesale and redistributing through mom and pop shops at a margin.
We have learnt that any business associated with the food industry is not just doing fine but actually thriving. As people spend more time at home, they appear to consume more.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Sep 9, 2020
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
2 weeks
Other loans
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