Haircutting machine, leather haricut chair and renovation for barber shop


Nakuru, Kenya

66% repaid




Member since

March 2014

On-time repayments

44 installments  •  34%

About Me

Hi,About myself am thirty years of age,Kenyan citizen by origin and a last born to family of eight.I went to school in Pangani primary in the town of Nakuru county.There after I passed well after my Kenya certificate of primary level and proceeded with high school called Nakuru day school.Since then,I did not qualify to join any college due to unavoidable circumstances and decided to open a barber shop which required less capital.My hobbies are watching international games especially football is my favorite and my team is arsenal FC and I also like playing basketball and swimming.From this small business is where I get my daily bread.The funds I get I usually buy basic needs and even save for my kid.Am a married man with one kid called Alphina currently in Primary school standard six.My up country is western part of our republic called Kakamega county.Am a luhya by tribe and I only speak three languages.that is English,kiswahili and my mother tongue.I currently reside i Pangani estate in the town of Nakuru.Therefore,with the assistance am going to get from you inform of cash,I will be able to expand my business by purchasing more machines that I don't have.My dreams are to employ more people and also open cosmetic shop.With those few remarks ,I hope you will not hestate to grand an assistance.Thanks and be blessed.

My Business

Hi lenders,My business is called Cut kinyozi in Pangani estate which was opened two thousand and eleven.I started this business after my grduation of my high school in the twenty ten.I currently possess one cutting machine,three combs and a water container of two liters.Due to my good services and good communication skills,I have a lot of customers in this area of Pangani estate.Per day I usually make not less than four hundred shillings which I use to pay for my rent ,shop rent and also purchase basic needs.The risks I under go sometime electricity usually get lost the whole day,Many customer may flock in at same time and I have only one machine and limited space.Therefore i usually find it hard to offer my services.That is why i have requested your assistance financially to expand my business for better service and income.With this business if well assisted,i can prosper higher and higher in life and create an employment to jobless.The reason why i started this business was to be self dependent and keep people from my area fit and good grooming.Otherwise with zidisha,i will be able to accomplish my goal in life to even own more machines and equipment for working.

Loan Proposal

Hi my dear lenders.
Fast and foremost I do salute you in Jesus name.Second I take this opportunity to congratulate the entire zidisha team as a whole for granting me this chance to make loan application to expand and improve my own business.Okay if you loan me this money ,l will purchase wall hair cut machine which is durable,reliable and offers good quality service.Its a twenty four working machine without getting hot which is worth Ksh.6000.00.Second l will buy a revolving leather seat that is also durable and of good service that cost Ksh.3500.00.The remaining balance l will use it to renovate my shop and buy necessary chemicals that are used in barber shop.With this,l think my potential customers will feel ease and relaxed as i continue offering them service.
With those few remarks be blessed as l look forward to hear from you soon.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 3, 2014

Repayment status


Projected term

10 months



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