Analysis services


Temanggung, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

January 2018

On-time repayments

27 installments  •  44%

About Me

I am a small businessman in a small town, my hobby is sports and reading. I attended chemistry majors. because I want to learn new things. for me it"s fun to get to know new things. to add to the experience. I am still young, not married yet, so I can still explore new things

My Business

I opened a small analytics service business, I lacked the cost to buy laboratory equipment and materials. why did I choose analysis services? because in the area where I live there is no service like this. I see a potential. so people can find out what content and content contained in the sample they carry

Loan Proposal

I will buy tools and materials to complete the laboratory for more complete because this affects the results. so citizens can be more confident

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About Me

saya seorang usahawan kecil dikota kecil , hobi saya olahraga dan membaca . saya bersekolah mengambil jurusan kimia . karna saya ingin belajar hal baru . bagi saya menyenangkan bisa mengenal hal-hal yang baru. untuk menambah pengalaman . saya masih muda belum berkeluarga , jadi masih bisa bereksplorasi mencari hal-hal baru

My Business

saya membuka usaha jasa analisa kecil , saya kekurangan biaya untuk membeli peralatan dan bahan laboratorium . mengapa saya memilih jasa analisa ?
karna didaerah tempat tinggal saya belum ada jasa jasa seperti ini . saya melihat suatu potensi . jadi masyarakat bisa mengetahui kadar dan kandungan apa saja yang terkandung didalam sample yang mereka bawa

Loan Proposal

saya akan membelikan alat dan bahan guna melengkapi laboratorium agar lebih lengkap karna ini mempengaruhi hasil. dengan begitu warga bisa semakin percaya





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 1, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks



Paul Graham

United States

Ask Agus a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Apr 14, 2018


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Apr 8, 2018 $22.68 Apr 14, 2018 $22.68
Apr 15, 2018 $22.68 Apr 14, 2018 $22.68
Apr 22, 2018 $11.69 Apr 14, 2018 $11.69
