Selling Eid holiday clothes


Lumajang, Indonesia

100% paid forward




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

51 installments  •  94%

About Me

I"m Ristyan, usually called Tyan. I am the father of 2 beautiful daughters, the eldest is 3 years old, the youngest is 10 months old. I work in a government office in my city, as a contract or honorary employee. So was my wife, who also worked as a contract employee in a government office in our small town.

My Business

Our income from my wife"s and my wife"s salaries can be said to be insufficient to reach the needs of our small family. In my city, government contract employee salaries are still below the regional minimum wage. So I opened a small business, the HP counter. I sell credit and some HP accessories.

Project Proposal

I need additional capital to buy stock of Eid clothes for my shop, and now I have a lot of orders that I receive which are still pending due to limited funds so I only serve a few customers first, after the customer pays then I order clothes for other customers

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya Ristyan, biasa dipanggil Tyan. Saya seorang ayah dari 2 orang putri cantik, si sulung berusia 3 tahun, si bungsu berusia 10 bulan. Saya bekerja di sebuah kantor pemerintah di kota saya, sebagai karyawan kontrak atau honorer. Begitu juga istri saya, yang juga bekerja sebagai karyawan kontrak di sebuah kantor pemerintah di kota kecil kami.

My Business

Pendapatan kami dari gaji kantor saya dan istri saya bisa dibilang kurang cukup untuk menuju kebutuhan keluarga kecil kami. Di kota saya gaji karyawan kontrak pemerintah masih di bawah upah minimum regional. Maka dari itu saya membuka sebuah bisnis kecil, yaitu konter HP. Saya menjual Pulsa dan beberapa aksesori HP.

Loan Proposal

saya butuh tambahan modal untuk membeli stok baju lebaran untuk toko saya, dan sekarang banyak sekali pesanan yang saya terima masih saya pending karena keterbatasan dana sehingga saya hanya melayani beberapa pelanggan dulu, setelah pelanggan membayar baru saya memesankan baju pelanggan lainnya





  • Mary    Jul 10, 2018

    Hello Ristyan, thanks for the perfect repayment of your loan. Best wishes for continued success.

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Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 27, 2024



Olchobosei Market, Kenya


Diego Donoso

United States

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Payments Forward

Amount returned to the platform for this project


Pay It Forward Projects funded by Ristyan

$50 (2 Projects)

Projects funded by Ristyan's Pay It Forward recipients

$95 (4 Projects)

Ristyan paid it forward to: