Buy more stock and cart for shoes business


Surabaya, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2015

On-time repayments

140 installments  •  24%

About Me

I am high-school graduate and I had worked in many roles, like sales person, driver, security guard, tour guide in Bali and many more. Now I become an entrepreneur and I have a small business selling shoes. I sell them online through Facebook. I realize I still have to learn many things especially the marketing side (ie: how to buy shoes from supplier or distributor, how to identify the market demand, what is the current trend, etc).

My Business

At the moment, my main income is from this business. I also become a sales property agent upon request.
For my business, I usually take orders from my friends who want to order customized shoes. I know a distributor who is selling the same products that are sold in shops or mall outlets but with cheaper price. Due to its lower price and good quality, I can get lots of orders.
Within a month, I can earn gross income for Rp 3.000.000 in average. My living cost is around Rp 1.000.000/month and I use the remaining fund of Rp 2.000.000 as my business capital to buy more stock of shoes.
There is a risk on this business. The distributor usually asks me to buy 5 pair of shoes for cheaper price (rather than 1 pair only) with size range 39-43. In other words, I won't make any sales until I find customers who fit into those sizes.

Loan Proposal

If my loan get approved, I will use it to buy more stock with a purchase price of Rp 100.000 - Rp 175.000/pair. I sell them in range of Rp 150.000 - Rp 200.000/pair. Therefore, I can get profit around Rp 25.000/pair.
I tend to get small profit per pair with larger number of orders. That way, I maintain competitive price and I can get more customers.
For the rest of the loan, I will use it to buy a shoe cart. For now, I only use a big plastic bag that I put on the sides of my motorbike. With the plastic bag, I cannot fit lots of shoes. But if I can have a cart, I can put more shoes into it and grab more sales accordingly.

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About Me

saya seorang yatim piatu. ayah saya meninggal pada saat usia saya 16 tahun. ibu saya meninggal pada saat usia saya 20 tahun. saya lulusan SMA. sebelum saya mencoba berwiraswasta, saya pernah bekerja sebagai sopir, guide, dll. berbagai pekerjaan pernah saya jalani. kemudian saya tertarik berjualan sepatu. sebab selama ini saya lihat dan amati, banyak sepatu di jual dengan harga mahal sekali. sehingga untuk masyarakat dari kalangan menengah kebawah tidak bisa beli. sementara sepatu dengan harga murah, pasti tidak bisa awet. karena produk mutunya sangat jelek. maka saya tertarik menjual sepatu bagus, kwalitet mutunya terjamin, bisa di pakai dengan jangka waktu lama tapi harganya murah. sehingga membantu masyarakat dari golongan menengah kebawah. karena saya juga dari golongan masyarakat tidak mampu. jadi modal saya pun kecil. maka saya mengajukan pinjaman ke zidisha.

My Business

selama ini saya berjualan sepatu kecil-kecilan. saya membeli sepatu langsung dari pengrajin sepatu. sehingga saya mendapat harga yang murah. dengan mendapat harga yang murah, saya juga bisa menjual dengan harga murah. sehingga saya bisa bersaing dengan penjual sepatu lainnya. harga beli sepatu per pasangnya berkisar Rp. 75.000,- atau USD 5,00. saya menjual per pasang sepatu Rp. 90.000,- atau USD 6,00. apalagi sekarang menjelang tahun ajaran baru sekolah. saya berniat menjual sepatu sekolah dengan harga murah. tapi tetap dengan kwalitas dan mutu yang bagus. tentunya akan meringankan beban para wali murid yang akan membayar daftar ulang sekolah, seperti uang daftar ulang, seragam, buku pelajaran dan perlengkapan sekolah lainnya. saya akan berusaha membayar pinjaman zidisha dengan laba dari penjualan sepatu tersebut. saya juga punya usaha menjual orgonite. saya membuat orgonite sendiri. dari bahan yang bagus dan berkwalitas. sehingga saya juga menjual dengan harga yang terjangkau. hasilnya cukup lumayan. cukup untuk kehidupan sehari -hari. dari penjualan satu orgonite, tergantung dari ukurannya. kalau ukuran besar saya bisa untung Rp. 60.000,- atau USD 4,00. kalau orgonite ukuran kecil saya bisa untung Rp. 30.000,- atau USD 2,00.

Loan Proposal

bila nanti pinjaman ini di setujui, akan saya gunakan untuk menambah item sepatu yang saya jual, per pasang saya beli dengan harga sekitar 100.000 s/d 175.000/pasang, atau sekitar USD 9,00/pasang, biasa saya jual berkisar 150.000 s/d 200.000/pasang, atau sekitar USD 12,5/pasang. jadi laba yang saya dapatkan dari sepatu sekitar 25.000/pasang atau USD 2,00/pasang. sehingga jualan sepatu saya akan bisa bersaing di pasaran karena dengan keuntungan yang sedikit, jualan sepatu saya jadi murah harganya, sehingga banyak pembeli yang akan membeli sepatu dari saya. pinjaman ini selain untuk saya gunakan membeli sepatu, bila ada sisanya, saya akan gunakan untuk membeli gerobak sepatu, supaya jualan saya bisa lancar, karena selama ini dagangan saya bawa dengan kantong besar yang saya taruh di sisi kanan dan kiri sepeda motor saya, berhubung kantongnya kecil, sehingga muatan sepatu yang saya bawapun juga sedikit, sehingga saya jualanpun cuma beberapa item sepatu saja, bila saya bawa gerobak, muatan dagangan sepatu sayapun bisa banyak, otomatis jualan sepatupun bisa banyak.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 21, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

10 months

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  • Soetrisno    Mar 29, 2017

    Dear team zidisha, __saya Sorry we can not pay the full installment in because I had the unfortunate fraud, please understanding, thanks.

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  • Soetrisno    Nov 16, 2016

    Dear, Team Zidisha__Saya apology can not pay installments to the full, in because I had to pay for the hospital my mother. My mother"s hospitalization had 2 weeks more. My mother"s sick kidney failure. We are Team Zidisha can understand my situation at the moment. Before and after that, I thank you .__ Salam, Soetrisno

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  • Soetrisno    Jun 15, 2016

    Zidisha funders. I am grateful to have loans from Zidisha. So that I can run a shoe business smoothly. I can also realize the ideals - ideals I, help small communities, with selling shoes cheap but good quality. I can buy more shoes with income I get from selling the shoes. Selling shoes so I can develop. I footwear items also increased a lot. Thanks Zidisha. Hopefully more advanced and successful.

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  • Soetrisno    May 20, 2016

    apologize profusely to team zidisha. I do a reduction on these payments. in because for the purposes of re-register my children who want to enter high school. achievement of sales of my shoes are still slow. though I also have done promotions and so forth. therefore, I was forced to pay the installment smaller than previous payments. for your attention. I say many thanks.

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  • Soetrisno    Apr 26, 2016

    Thank you for the amount and infinite I told funders zidisha. I have received a loan of Rp zidisha. 1,310,466, - (1310466 S). Once again thank you to all the funders zidiha who have helped me to lend again. We wish all the funding zidisha more successful.

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  • Soetrisno    Apr 21, 2016

    I am very grateful to the funders who are members of zidisha. hopefully everything is always healthy and happy. I"ll buy school shoes for my merchandise. school shoes are cheap but good kwalitetnya, quality assured. so the school students who wear them will be glad and happy. wear nice new school shoes. school shoes will also help add items selling my shoes. will also help supplement my income as well. once again thank the funders zidiha. hope to grow a successful and victorious.

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  • Soetrisno    Apr 15, 2016

    I am very, very grateful to the funders zidisha generous. I was aided by loans from zidisha. with these funds I would buy school shoes cheap but good quality with good quality. because soon will come the new school year. where the new school year will be no re-registration fees, textbooks, uniforms etc. with my school shoes sell cheap, so that the cost burden on tangung parents will not be high. because the shoes are also a means to go to school. completeness school. to buy cheap shoes from my school, then the burden of the parents will be mild. school students will be vigorous and eager to school with new shoes. I really hope funders zidisha approve my loan. before and after that I thank you. regards to funders zidisha generous and kind, helpful. hopefully funders zidisha always be healthy and happy.

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  • Soetrisno    Apr 13, 2016

    I would pay off the loan installments. because I will borrow again to zidisha. to add product items on my shoes. for the new school year soon. of course, many will require school shoes. by adding the item school shoes with low price will certainly help the children who attend school. relieve the burden on parents. because of course re-registration fees and others will also be great.

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  • Soetrisno    Jul 30, 2015

    Indonesian economy for the time being lethargic resulting purchasing power is weak, finally impact the sale of shoes, too, declined, consequently income is not as expected

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  • Soetrisno    Jun 21, 2015

    sebelumnya saya minta maaf karena saya tidak dapat membayar penuh pinjaman saya sesuai dengan perjanjian awal dengan pihak zidisha di karenakan saya memperbaiki atap rumah saya yang bocor. mohon maaf saya sampaikan ke pihak zidisha. terima kasih kepada zidisha, karena saya telah dipercayai telah di danai oleh zidisha. dana tersebut saya gunakan dengan membeli beberapa perlengkapan toko sepatu saya dan menambah item jumlah jualan sepatu saya. sehingga saya lebih percaya diri untuk jualan sepatu lebih giat lagi. tentunya harapan saya akan lebih maju lagi jualan sepatu saya. terima kasih zidisha.

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