Selling juice, short cakes and prepaid mobile phone credit


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

July 2016

On-time repayments

93 installments  •  15%

About Me

My name is James Njoroge.I was raised by small family some where around Nairobi,who later separated when I was I high school.During my second year of high school my father passed away yet he was the one paying my school fees and this made me to drop out of school. Well-wishers came in between and contributed for my school fees and I returned to school where I finished my high school education.

One year after high school I had a business idea which needed allot of capital to start it so I had to fench water and sell it to my neighbours who payed me 0.01USD per jelly can.At the end of the day I had 1.5USD.I saved 0.5USD and 1USD I used it for basic needs.Now I have this shop which I have worked hard for it for a long time to get it.

The unique thing about the I place I live is that people live peacefully with each other.

I like watching animated cartoons which makes me laugh to my fullest.

My Business

I have a shop which I sell products like sweets, scratch cards, match boxes,short cakes,cakes, bananas, polythene bags, mineral water and many more

People want to reload their phones so as to call their friends and relatives.Someone may have birthday parties or wedding and other ceremonies and i am given orders for some packets of sweets,cakes, mineral water etc.

My business has no competition that's why I love it.

Almost all of my profits I use it to reinvestment in growing the business and some of it on home improvement.

Loan Proposal

I will buy juice which cost 1.7 dollars per dozen and which in return will give me a profit 0.8 dollars per dozen and per week I will sell at least 5 dozen which is a profit of 4 dollars in a week.One thing about this product is that it is on demand.

I will buy short cakes which cost 2.3 Dollars per carton which in return will give me a profit of 2.6 dollars per carton and I will sell at least 3 cartons per week which in return will give me approximately 7.8 dollars a week.

I will buy credit cards which cost 2 dollars in return will give me a profit of 0.3 dollars and I will sell at least 6 times a day which is a profit of 1.8 dollars per day and approximate 12.6 dollars per week.

One thing about this products is that they are in a high demand on my shop and they are very profitable to me.It will also benefit my costumers because when costumers want to refresh, they can buy a bottle of juice, when they want some biscuits they are all in my shop and when they want to top up or refill their phone with credit cards they are all in my shop.

I expect that these products to return at least a profit of 29.05 dollars, which is approximately 30 dollars per week.This will help to pay my loan and my members fund on time. And also it help to improve my business and have my daily bread.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 26, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

17 months


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States


Chris Jones

Seattle, United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask James a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • James    Sep 22, 2023

    I will buy plastic items eg basin, will add me more profit for my business and repayment of loan.Thank you for making my project a success.

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  • James    Sep 22, 2023

    It has really great project because you have funded me allot.The project has grown with a very high rate

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  • James    Sep 3, 2023

    I thought i would pay the amount but it is high. My current income is lower than the amount i offered to contribute. At least 638 i will manage to pay the loan.

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  • James    Sep 1, 2023

    Hi. This fund will help me reply my current loan i have so i can start a project on freelance. Thank you very much for funding.

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  • James    Feb 12, 2022

    The loan will push me to the next level cause I will buy stock for my business.

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  • Walter    Jul 11, 2017

    Dear Zidisha,

    I managed to talk to Simon who said he look for James and let us talk. I mentioned to him reason why I was calling. I will wait for his feedback.


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  • James    Apr 7, 2017

    Hi.I purchased scratch cards and sweets for my shop, early on I used to sell "hakuna scratch cards" which means there isn't scratch cards and my costumers used to go along distance to buy them.This made me feel very bad and disappointed, Now my smile has regained again with zidisha.
    Now I take large stocks of scratch cards and sweets, and these gives me alot profit that satisfies me and my little brother with daily needs.

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  • James    Mar 3, 2017

    I will buy some scratch cards, which will improve my business.I really thank for the good and kind heart and i have totally appreciate for the loan

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