Needs of kindergarten children. sdn. smp


Malang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

May 2016

On-time repayments

47 installments  •  21%

About Me

Now the store in my house which is close to the kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school to sell school supplies and basic food items has started running and to make more buyers we want to complement what there is not and is needed everyday by consumers. __Such as the current needs for consumers of schoolchildren in this new academic year is very high in addition to the needs of sembako for local residents in this holy month of Ramadhan. __We really can not fulfill what consumers are looking for because of the limited capital of our business. __With hope to the funders in this zidisha we will be able to meet the needs of today"s consumers and so on.

My Business

I am a vegetable grower and private worker my monthly income is not less than 3 jt and from agricultural product average 4 monthly jt. And now we get extra from our store even though only 73rb per day__With the capital of the funders in zidisha we can prove to friends and relatives if we can this very promising small business. __Dan submission of credit to zidisha is great hope we can become a source of income and inspiration for friends and relatives anywhere that with a strong adherence we can try in my family with the capital of his.

Loan Proposal

Adding venture capital ahead of the NEW school year of education and increasing the needs of basic foods ahead of Lebaran for consumers around. __This business that I have done is very in need by consumers both school children and citizens around __Maka with this I hope to make my business capital for this

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About Me

Sekarang toko di rumah saya yg dekat dengan sekolahan TK, SDN, SMP untuk menjual alat-alat sekolah dan bahan pokok sembako sudah mulai berjalan dan untuk membuat lebih banyak pembeli kami ingin melengkapi apa yg belum ada dan sangat dibutuhkan sehari hari oleh konsumen.
Seperti kebutuhan saat ini untuk konsumen anak anak sekolah di saat tahun ajaran baru seperti ini sangatlah tinggi di tambah lagi juga kebutuhan sembako bagi warga sekitar di bulan suci ramadhan ini.
Kami sangat tidak bisa memenuhi apa yg konsumen cari karena keterbatasan modal usaha kami.
Dengan berharap kepada pendana di zidisha ini kami Akan bisa memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen saat ini dan seterusnya.

My Business

Saya seorang petani sayur mayur dan pekerja swasta penghasilan saya perbulannya tidak kurang dari 3 jt dan dari hasil pertaniannya rata2 perbulan 4 jt. Dan sekarang juga kami mendapatkan tambahan dari toko kami walau hanya 73rb per hari
Dengan modal dari pendana di zidisha kami bisa buktikan kepada teman saudara dan keluarga kalau kami bisa usaha kecil yang sangat menjanjikan ini.
Dan pengajuan kredit kepada zidisha ini besar harapan kami bisa menjadi sumber penghasilan dan inspirasi bagi teman dan sanak keluarga dimanapun bahwa dengan adanya tekat yang kuat kita bisa berusaha di keluargaku dengan modal sadanya.

Loan Proposal

Menambah modal usaha menjelang tahun ajaran pendidikan BARU dan menambah kebutuhan sembako menjelang lebaran bagi konsumen disekitarnya.
Usaha yg sudah saya laksanakan ini sangat di butuhkan oleh para konsumen baik anak anak sekolah maupun warga sekitar
Maka dengan ini saya berharap bisa menjadikan modal usaha saya selama ini





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 5, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks






United States

Ask Achmad a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Fitri    May 4, 2018

    I'm so sorry. I can't reach him and his references. I'll try again. I hope he and his family are fine so he will able to start repay his loan.
    Thank you so much for all of your support to him and to all borrowers in Zidisha.

    Earm regards,

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  • Fitri    Mar 16, 2018

    I"m so sorry. I have try to reach him by whatsaap and call his references and with no result. I will try to reach him again. Mr. Arifin, I am sure you can afford to go through all these calamities. I believe you can start paying your zidisha loan installments slowly according to your ability. If you still can not pay in full installment of your choice, you can lower the number of installments first. Please update your information to your lenders. God"s promise is real, in every tribulation there will be ease. Thank you Fitri Fauziyah

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  • Fitri    Feb 1, 2018

    I already send him whatssapp and call him. He said that he will start to pay his loan this month (Februari 2018)

    Thank you for all of your support to Borrowers in Zidisha.

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  • Fitri    Dec 30, 2017

    I have inform him about the changing virtual account from BCA virtual account to BNI Virtual account. I hope he will pay his installment soon. I'll try to reach him again. I'm sorry.

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  • Achmad    Nov 21, 2017

    I will start paying regularly because the economy is stable and there are mobile banking that I can use, so it does not have to go to a remote machine atm We apologize for my late installment delay in the future I will strive better and on time. thanks.

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  • Fitri    Nov 21, 2017

    His home is quite far from ATM machine. Thats why he hasn't made for his payment for Nov 12th.
    He have registered for mobile banking so he can pay his installment from his phone.

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  • Fitri    Nov 13, 2017

    Alhamdulillah, Mr Arifin will start pay his loan. To all lender of this loan, on behalf Mr Arifin, I wanna say thank you for all of your support in this loan. Thank you for all of your consideration for the late repayment before. I hope all of you get happy day everyday. Thank you.

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  • Achmad    Nov 12, 2017

    I have not been able to pay in accordance with the existing provisions because I have closed my business for this time. Sorry

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  • Fitri    Oct 3, 2017

    I already send him message through whatsapp. He said he will try to pay his loan soon. he has another needs that made him unable to pay this loan. I already ask him to write it in this discussion. I hope he will inform all of you about it.

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  • Achmad    Jul 23, 2017

    Amount of my loan 446,250 IDR__Increase the capital of our kiosk business intimately buy basic materials of basic needs and needs of school children

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  • Achmad    Jul 20, 2017

    We buy basic needs of basic needs and tools of swkolah

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  • Achmad    Jul 20, 2017

    Thank you we can do business with capital. Loan from the lenders in zidisha

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  • Achmad    May 17, 2017

    To soon be a larger capital than the first loan

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  • Achmad    May 11, 2017

    We thank the funders. The money will be spent on school equipment for new students

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  • Achmad    Feb 26, 2017


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