Laptop so i can work from ghome in my proffesional writting


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

January 2018

On-time repayments

1 installment  •  100%

About Me

Having been brought up within polygamous family,I have come to terms with lots of challenges that enabled me to start up a small income generator for my family of two kids.I also gained experience from my college education where I learnt a lot of things concerning management and discipline related norms and affairs.As I grew up,I watched my dad and mum engage in business and I was motivated by the way they were transacting and being friendly to customers who came to buy from them all the times .My community believes in white collar jobs,despite the abundant resources within.It has made most of other young people run to big cities in-search of jobs,which by no means are available to them.

My Business

I run an electronic shop with assorted displays,e.g,selling sim cards,airtime and small cyber facility to the people within.This business made me get a lot of interest as it was not seasonal and at least I can have something for my family and others.Also at the same time I run an MPESA SHOP . At least I make some good income for myself at the end of sales which makes me get more goods to boost my business too.I have planned to make sure at the end of every profit I subject a fraction to their savings for future

Loan Proposal

Purchase of more electronics and replacing the worn out ones at a cost of $500.
It will enhance my output and motivate me to get back some of my customers who had sort for the services elsewhere.I foresee an increase in sales and expansion.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 8, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

8 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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