Laptop so i can work from home in transcription service


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

17 installments  •  41%

About Me

I grew up in a Christian family, going to boarding school at the age of ten. Being the last born in a family of thirteen, life wasn't quite rosy because my parents retired when I was just eight years.

I had to start looking after myself (in terms of personal needs) by selling sugarcane during the weekends. I had saved up a little cash (50 kes) towards this. I was the only one at home with my parents. I borrowed a little money from a friend, bought vegetable seeds and started farming. This turned out to be a lucrative venture then, got tenders to supply from two schools in my area.

I come from western Kenya, the most productive area with good weather conditions that favoured my venture.

After college and no job, I got a job, got married and later separated, leaving with my 3 children. I needed a side hustle and that's when I trained in transcription.

I lost my first born daughter just four months ago. She was in college studying culinary art. My other children are Walter, who is now in std 7 and wants to be a pilot while Michelle, the little one is obsessed with being a model in future.

I love having a quiet time with my laptop, reading about things, mostly technical like crotcheting, cooking ideas and recipes and even design. I actually weave/crotchet mats and sweaters when I have time.

My Business

Aside from doing transcription at night, I sell mats that I crotchet myself. I do this on order. People love my mats because they are not just hand made, they are also custom made to the customers needs.

Transcription, I am good at that too. I deliver quality transcripts to my customers and they reward me by giving me more work.

I chose these two kinds of businesses because they pay well and they teach me to be disciplined especially when it comes to delivery time.

I make about $350 on transcription and about 10,000 - 15,000 Kes by selling mats every month.

I use the profits to pay bills - school fees and upkeep. I have a small dress shop that is slowly growing. I intend to expand the mat business and increase my income on transcription.

God willing, by the end of the year I will be buying land to venture back into farming.

Loan Proposal

I want to save the amount to buy a laptop worth $450. I am renting a laptop now and it costs me a lot. With my own laptop I will be able to save on expenses and work more times. I will also be able to have my own blog to showcase the mats that I crotchet and sell. By doing so, my market will grow and my mat business as well. If I make more profit, then I know my children will have a better future and I also will achieve my long term dream of owning a hotel.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 11, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Carolyne a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • David    Mar 27, 2017

    Dear lenders I have contacted Caro through all her numbers but she is not pick her phone.i also tried to contact Linet the person who introduced her to zidisha but also she is not picking her phone.

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  • Carolyne    Jan 10, 2017

    First and foremost, I want to thank you very much for trusting me enough to lend me the money. I am going to save the money until it is enough for me to buy my own laptop that I will use for my transcription work. I promise to put it to good use. God bless you all.

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  • Carolyne    Jan 6, 2017

    With my first loan, I bought a One metre tapestry that costs Ksh. 1,000/=. I still had a stock of wool that I had purchased before. I wove a mat and although I haven't been paid for it yet, it is going to fetch me around Ksh. 3,000/= which I will use to buy more materials for weaving.

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  • Carolyne    Sep 8, 2016

    I want to thank my lenders for their wonderful response. I am going to save the amount you have given me, pay back and apply for more. After it sums up to $450, I will be able to buy my laptop and show you a picture of it here. I will keep updating you of my work progress to show my dedication. God bless you all, you are wonderful people.

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