Loan for expansion of business


Kakamega, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

December 2016

On-time repayments

12 installments  •  58%

About Me

I am a young man 24 years of age and a graduate at masinde muliro university I started business of selling clothes to raise my fee now it has grown to a profit making business I also own a small cafeteria I am also a chicken farmer I own 100 chicken and sell 2 trays of eggs per day, I am in third year and I really have difficulties to raise my fee I also have other expenses such as house food which all require money

My Business

I make 500 shillings a day from the clothe business and 600 a day from egg business I plan to expand both business especially the chicken business due to the demand of eggs and chicken meat, I am very hard working but to make a living in this part of the continent and country you must have some capital to be successful in all that you do. the degree I have has not been of help so much due to high levels of unemployment that's why I need badly a loan ,the last loan I got wat sufficient but not enough but though I am great full ,I have hard very difficult in my early life with difficulty in raising fee for my education and I plan to continue with my business to help my younger siblings go to best schools not only them but change the entire Society by help many of the needy students. I also do farming where I use the little savings I get to hire a farm and plant tomatoes , cassava ,maize ,beans and sweet potatoes from this farming am able to make around 50 thousand Kenya shillings in a season that's a bout 4 months , this helps cater for my expenses such as house rent, medical services .we are three in our family and we all depend from the little that I make that's why I had to venture into this small business and farming , I had about this app zidisha from a very close friend of mine he had been living in a poor life but suddenly changed. I asked him a bout the secret behind his success and he told me he had successfully obtained a loan from zidisha of about 50,000 and he used it to invest.I would also be very great full to be part of this family because it changes lives greatly in every part of this country especially we the less unfortunate

Loan Proposal

I would like to buy more chicken around 100 at 300 shillings a chicken , there I would collect a bout 4 trays of eggs a day where I would sell a tray at 300 shillings per tray and make a profit I would also expand the clothe business buy a bale at 1500 thousand then sell per clothe 120 make a profit of 30 shillings per clothe





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 24, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks

Other loans


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States


Mike Frawley

United States



United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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  • Samuel    Feb 23, 2017

    thank you so much for the funding I lack words to appreciate you I promise to utilize the loan well

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  • Grey    Feb 23, 2017

    Hallo Am Grey from Kenya, pliz lend me money to expand my Business. I studied fashion design and garment making. My email address is [email protected] and u can call me on +254723682259. Thank you

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  • Samuel    Jan 27, 2017

    hae sir will pay the remaining 97 shillings soon thank you for your support

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  • Donald    Jan 12, 2017

    contacted Mr.Samwel Mwera and he promised to pay his due soon.

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  • Samuel    Dec 12, 2016

    thank you sir I really appreciate for funding my loan it will be essential in expansion of my businesses

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