Loan for materials for my art sales and import business


Kumasi, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

December 2017

On-time repayments

21 installments  •  67%

About Me

I am Evelyn Boadi of Kumasi. I am a student but i do distance learning programming so i use most of my weekdays to do other trades. I am studying to be a teacher for special needs kids or pupils .
During my weekdays which i don't go to school i use my computer to draw African symbols and signs of culture , buy frames and sell them online , both in my country and outside Ghana.
So i need a loan for the acquisition of more materials for a small studio. To be able to export more.

My Business

I am an exporter and seller of great adinkra(cultural symbols of Ghana) symbols. I get people who let me customize some for them for their decoration of rooms ,shops,hotels and restaurants.
i also sell some outside Ghana with the help of some websites and friends outside Ghana.
I chose this business because people love the Adinkra symbols but are quiet expensive and sometimes difficult to get or make . These symbols are not copyright so anyone can make some but mine takes it a step further, it makes it shine and give it the African appeal many people want .

Loan Proposal

This loan will help me a lot because i always have outstanding orders but because of lack of money for materials i sometimes cant fulfill those orders.
So this loan will help me buy more materials and in turn increase my productivity
my client base span both in my own country(Ghana ) and outside Ghana . I usually post my wares online for the international audience..
I plan on buying materials like pre-fabricated frames = 100$
canvas or film paper = 120 $
with the expansion of my wares ,will give me maximum profit to support myself and my family






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 9, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

0 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Evelyn a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


