Loan for purchase of stock for my small retail shop


Kitengela, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

April 2016

On-time repayments

75 installments  •  61%

About Me

My name is Joseph, married to one wife by the name Charlotte, I have one child called Sandra Joy, who is 4 years old and in preschool at St. Monica Academy, Kitengela.
I was born in the year 1978, a 7th born in our family, I joined primary school in the year 1984 finished in the year 1992 and went to secondary school from 1991 to 1997. After finishing my forth form, I was employed by my sister to run the school canteen as I waited to join college.
From the little cash I was being paid, I opened up an account in post bank and started saving. In the year 2000, I was enrolled in a college, Kabete Technical Training Institute, to take a three year Diploma course in Business Administration. I completed in the year 2002 and passed with a credit.
After college, with the little cash I had saved, I started a small business back in our home town selling of sweets and assorted items like printing papers, envelopes, pens, pencils shoe polish etc., which i used to acquire from stockists at wholesale price. With the use of a bicycle, I would move around from shop to shop around town as i distributed to various shop owners. With time, I was also introduced to a stockist and started distributing loaves of bread and milk at a commission. This increased my income a bit as I used to wake up at 4.30a.m. to do the distribution in the morning then starting from 8a.m. I would embark on selling of sweets.
In the year 2006, I was successful and employed with a company by the name Kenya Eclof (Ecumenical Church Loan Fund), a micro-finance institution. I got married in the year 2011 and owing to the economic hardships and due to the fact that my spouse had done some computer courses, we were able to start a business of typing printing and selling of stationery. As at now, I have four computers and two printers with which we offer the services of typing, lamination printing and internet.

My Business

I chose to engage in computer services because my wife has experience with computers. I also have some computer knowledge. The business does not involve perishable goods. With technological advancement, many people are embracing computer services. There are also numerous online services that we are taking advantage of. The costs involved include:
Rent: KES 5500
Inventory: KES 5,000
Electricity: KES 1,500
Staff Salary: 5,000
The average monthly income from this business is KES 25,000

The profits from this business helps to supplement my income in paying our house rent of KES 8,000, water and electricity KES 1,500, Food KES 3000, School Fees KES 7,500.

At the moment, I need to add stock to my new established general shop after closing the photocopy shop due to relocation of matatu terminus (stage)where i was previously doing my business ,i have already started and need some cash to boost and continue with the business
The shop rent is Ksh 4500 and electricity is Ksh 500 my daily sales ranges between Kshs 1000 and 1200

Loan Proposal

I have set up a retail shop and would like to get money to buy stock for sale
sugar 50kg bag at ksh 5000
Rice 50kg bag at Ksh 5000
Floor 4 bailes at Ksh 4000
The selling price for sugar will be Ksh 8000-margin of Ksh 3000
The selling price for Rice will be Ksh 6000-margin Ksh 1000
The selling price for floor will be Ksh 4800-margin ksh 800
The profit from the business will assist me to cater for my child,s school fees and also i will be able to bring goods near to consumers






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 13, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



Manaal Eisa

Washington DC, United States

Ask Joseph a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Nov 15, 2018


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Nov 23, 2018 $1.10 Nov 15, 2018 $1.10
