Loan to build temporally structure for my orphanage school


Berekum, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

February 2016

On-time repayments

51 installments  •  43%

About Me

I am Madam Gyamfuaa Salomey, l am 40 years of age ,I come from berekum municipality in the brong Region of Ghana ,. i had my basic education at demonstration Junior High School and further at Kumasi Anglican Senior High
and later further at university of education winneba to offer early childhood education. when i completed university l realized that in my community there were a lot of children their parents have died and life for them was difficulty , some were living on the street because they have no home to live and no one to cater for them. in fact l felt it and was touched i also have had that same experience before as for me my parents died in my very tender age are six in a family that my parents left behind and l was given to my uncle to say with. my uncle was running a restaurant shop and i was employed working at the my uncle restaurant to raised money to be able to get money and continue to University and come out as a professional teacher and now l am a headmistress at starbusco senior high school
I am married to mr Frederick Jesse with two kids. My hobbies are
, reading ,researching, novels,music and and playing with my students.i want the best for every individual that l meet in my life and good luck to every that is meet life experience,

My Business

As a professional teacher and at the time i completed my university, I become to know that many children whose parents are no more, i mean the orphans need help, so i decided to establish an orphanage school at Kumasi Atonsu to help those children.
I started established an orphanage school or home with only ten children but now and due to the work good am doing, am having 100 hundred children who are orphans and hoping to have more because they are our future leaders and due to the good working that l am doing and parental care l am offering everything is moving successfully increasing in number of the children and how i want the best for this children, i need help in order to continue the good work that i am doing and know for sure you definitely help me. I need temporally structures for the teaching and learning of these orphans l mean classroom for learning , computer center and many more.
Please with due respect l am appealing Zidisha organization to come to my aid for me to continue to help these children for them also live a comfortable live and also feel they are loved ,,l hope that zidishs and its lender will not turn me down

Loan Proposal

hello my dearest Leander it could be who will offer me this assistance with due respect l am appealing to you lenders for 200$ to add to my savings to put up a temporally structures for my orphanage school, i understand the terms and conditions upon this loan and l am having foot retail shop alongside my professional work which l will use to repay the loan as agreed all your contributions are welcome thank you.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 24, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months

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