Loan to buy more a4 sheets


Asuotiano Brong Ahafo, Ghana

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $10 goal


days left




Member since

June 2017

On-time repayments

13 installments  •  31%

About Me

Since my childhood I have been staying with my grandmother since i was informed that my father traveled a long time and according to what family members are saying he's dead because it has been a long time since they had about him and my mother too died from heart attack and i was beside her (I was told because  I was very little at that time now I'm at 22 years now. I have really suffered because my grandmother had nothing to live with so we were just farming and you could see old lady  farming..  it's not just a big farm but by the way she has helped me a lot because nobody seems to care about me not even my father's family and to mention of my mother's family except her alone and I always pray to God that she may leave until I become rich that I may also take care of her needs. I was able to complete Junior High School and couldn't feather anymore because of the condition at hand at that time. I started doing some small jobs for people after I completed my junior high school so I started with some Savings of which I wanted to do something which will be helping me and my grandmother in finances. I had a teacher who I was helping when I was at my junior high school he was a Transfer  teacher and the time he was going he gave me a photocopy machine which was not working but I repaired it with the money I was saving and now I do do photocopy at home because I could not afford to hire a storeroom so for now I do it at home.

My Business

I only do photocopy and printing from the computer(black and white)
This is why I need help to expand it and move from home

I get people to work with though am at home

I got help from the teacher and the small savings I had

I always invest in my business

Loan Proposal

I will use this long to buy more A4 sheets to expand my business since my finances is low this loan will help me to buy more sheets which will reduce the cost of transportation because if I buy more it will take a long time for me to go and buy another and I think it will really help my business to make it improve





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 25, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

8 weeks

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