Member since
April 2015
On-time repayments
28 installments • 32%
I was born in Kwabwai village of Ndhiwa Sub County in Western part of Kenya. I was the 1st born in a family of 6 children. My father was a peasant farmer while my mother was an housewife, they both passed away in the same year while I was 13 years old. No one was willing to take us in to live with them and as the 1st born, I was left with no option but to start doing menial jobs for pay to help me raise money to feed my siblings.
I could not manage to continue with my education and I dropped from school in class seven and started to concentrate on farming and I ensured that my siblings continued with their education without hindrance as I was taking of them.
I started growing kales which was highly productive. The new farming techniques were introduced to us USAID, an American NGO working with orphans and vulnerable children introduced them to us. I liked the business as I saw new tender crops grow, with time I had collected almost one turn of manure and started horticulture farming. Things turned out well,and I was able to pay for my siblings school fees with ease.
I come from fishing community that lives in the shores of lake Victoria, men are fishermen while women are mainly fish mongers.
I love watching boat racing ,swimming,blogging and meeting new people.
I grow kales, carrots, watermellons, cabbages, onions, tomatoes and oranges for sale. The farm is doing well, though it has not expanded very well due to some interruptions.
I choose this business because it is less capital intensive and kales grow so fast. I do keep goats that produces manure which we use to grow kales, while the farm gives them feeds.This symbiotic relationship has made farming to be even cheaper.
my monthly costs is $60 and my revenues is $200. I use my profits to pay fees for my siblings and save for my education.
I am seeking a loan of KES 9,134 that will be used as follows;
-309US$ will be used to buy seedlings for planting.
401 US$ will be used to fence the farm, so that there would be no more interruptions by the local goats tat freely roam around.
-200US$ will be used to pipes for collecting water from the lake to the farm for drip irrigation when there are no rains.
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Apr 27, 2015
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
6 months
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