Loan to buy tools for planting trees


Kaugege, Kenya

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $100 goal


days left




Member since

April 2015

On-time repayments

6 installments  •  0%

About Me

Am Fred Onditi onyango born 1988 from Kenya ,homa bay county.went through high school between the year 2005-2008 and later proceeded to college and graduated in the year 2013 with a degree in sociology from Rongo university. later in the year 2015 I started investing in agricultural activities as my main source of income up-to-date.

My Business

currently runs agricultural firm which is one of sources my income apart from salary employment. the agricultural source started with a few challenges as it was picking up, being that there was adverse climatic change for quite some period of time.currently there is water pump put in place in case there is dry spells ,watering can be done easily. Am there looking for some cash to bust up the business and this will be used to buy farm imputs.

Loan Proposal

With a Zidisha loan of US$100 , I am going to use US$ 30 to renovate and expand my farm. That's buying wire netting timber,nails and pay the work labour. This will have impact on my business in that many customers will have enough space when they can buy fish and even eat. This will add my profit by at least 30%.

-US$40 I will use to buy seedlings. This purchase will increase my profit by at least 20%

-US$ 30, I will use to increase my tree stocks and get a chance of serving my clients on a sustainable basis and use the increased income to repay the loan and support my family too.

Kindly lend me US$100 as the 1st Loan and you'll be happy to have found a reliable and trustworthy partner. I am looking forward to helping ZIDISHA reach more clients as the FREE Interest loaning impact lives greatly and helps in pulling poor entrepreneurs out of poverty.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 17, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

6 weeks



United Kingdom



seattle, United States


Ismini and Jerry

Stamford, USA, United States



Los Angeles, United States

Evan Lamos

Brussels, Belgium



Austria, Austria

Ask Fred a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Gladys    Oct 23, 2015

    Dear Zidisha Team,

    Fred's phone is off. I have spoken to Zablon Opiyo one family member. I have requested him to look for Fred and let me know about his zidisha loan.

    He said he will do exactly that.

    Thank You,
    Gladys Adera.

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  • Gladys    Sep 23, 2015

    Dear Zidisha Team,

    I was not able to talk to Fred Onyango because he is not answering my calls. I have spoken to one family member Serfina Obel, and she said she is not new Fred but will find time next week and look for Fred and talk to him about his loan.

    Thank You,
    Gladys Adera,
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    Aug 18, 2015

    Dear Zidisha Team,

    I have talked to Fred Onyango, and he says he as been totally down and now this month it will not end before he start making his payments.

    Thank you,
    Gladys Adera
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    Jul 16, 2015

    Dear Zidisha Team,

    I have talked to Kennedy Onyango, Freds community leader. He said, he saw Fred and Fred told him he as been going through financial problems, but will soon pay the loan. I have asked Kennedy if he meets Fred again to write to zidisha and inform them of his situation.

    Thank you
    gladys adera
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    Jul 9, 2015

    Dear Zidisha Team,
    I have tried to contact Fred Onyango but he is not answering my calls.
    I have talked to Kennedy Onyango, Freds community leader, and he said he as always tried to talk to Fred about his loan, but fred says he knows and will pay his loan, but he doesnt pay. Ken nedy says he will try and look for Fred, and ask him to pay his loan.
    Thank you Zidisha team

    Gladys Adera,
    Volunteer Mentor

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  • Gladys    Jul 3, 2015

    Fred Onyango , is still not answering his calls. I have contacted Kennedy Onyango to try and contact Fred about his payments.
    He says he will do so.

    Thank you
    Zidisha Team
    Gladys Adera
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    Jul 2, 2015

    Dear Zidisha team,

    I have tried to contact Fred but he is not answering his phone, I have tried to contact Serfina Obel family member and Serfina says Fred as had some financial problems but his about to get some money to start paying his loan. I have asked Serfina to tell Fred to adjust when to start paying his loan, and she says she will inform Fred.
    Gladys Adera
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    Jun 26, 2015

    Dear Zidisha Team,
    I have tried to contact Fred Onyango to pay his loan today but he is not answering his calls. Fred as given me so many stories of late and i find it difficult to contact Fred because I am just a mentor. I have tried to contact Kennedy Fred's community leader and he says he is going to see how to get in touch with him.

    Thank you,
    Zidisha team
    Gladys Adera
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    Jun 24, 2015

    Dear Zidisha Team,
    I have contacted Fred Onyango, he says he has been looking for money to pay. I told him to contact zidisha team so that they can know what he is doing and why is not able to pay. He said his account has been having a problem so he is not able to login to his zidisha account, when he tries it shows him the account does not belong to him. He said he is looking for some money to pay some outstanding loan this week.

    Thank You,
    Gladys Adera
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    Jun 17, 2015

    Dear Zidisha Team,
    I have contacted Fred and today he says, he went to the cyber because he wanted to adjust his loan but when he tried to login it is telling him the zidisha account has been logged into a different account, I did not understand this, but I have advised Fred to at least pay some amount before even adjusting then he can go and try and log into his account again, but if he is not able he can write to zidisha for further assistance. I asked Fred to at least make an effort of paying because he has not even tried.
    Fred said he will try and look for some money then pay by tomorrow.

    Thank you,
    Gladys Adera
    Volunteer Member.

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  • Gladys    Jun 11, 2015

    Dear Zidisha Team,
    I have tried to call Fred today, his phone is not going through, I have contacted his family member Zablon and also community leader Kennedy and they say they will get int touch with Fred today and give me the feed back.

    Gladys Adera
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    Jun 4, 2015

    Dear zidisha Team,
    I have tried to talk Fred everyday about his loan, and about adjusting his loan and he is always going to do it. Now I have tried to call him and he is not answering my call, then decided to call Scholler one of the referee invite, and she says she is going to get in touch with Fred and let me know.

    Thank you,
    Gladys Adera,
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    Jun 2, 2015

    Dear Zidisha Team,
    I have tried to talk to Fred, Fred has had different stories,now fred his saying when he is trying to login to his zidisha account, it is telling him that the it is linked to another account. Because I have been advising him to adjust. so I have desided to post this comment and I have asked Fred just to send the money he wanted to adjust and send.

    Thank you gladys Adera
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    May 28, 2015

    Dear Zidisha Team,
    I have talked to Fred and he says, he has been having financial problems. I have always talked to him to adjust his payment and pay the little he can. So he says he is going to look for money again today and adjust his payment.

    Thank you
    Gladys Adera
    Volunteer mentor.

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  • Gladys    May 26, 2015

    Hello Zidisha Team,
    I have talked to Fred, today, Fred is saying he has some financial problems. I have talked to him to adjust his payment and pay the little that he can adjust instead of not paying at all. I hope Fred as heard this because he says he is going to look for money and adjust his payment immediately.

    Thank you,
    Gladys Adera
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    May 14, 2015

    Hello Zidisha Team,

    I have talked to Fred, and he now says he had sent to Zidisha team an email requesting if he could be given some few days to settle his loan. I have requested him to try and adjust his loan, so that he does pay his loan on time.

    Thank you
    Gladys Adera
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    May 12, 2015

    Hello Zidisha Team,
    I have managed to talk to Fred about his payments. I told him to adjust his loan while still trying to sort out his problems. He said he would do exactly that today. So I am still waiting.
    Thank you,
    Gladys Adera,
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    May 8, 2015

    Hello Zidisha Team,
    I have talked to Fred again if he has contacted zidisha team. But he is saying theirs no electricity so he is unable to send you any message through the internet. He is waiting for electricity then to send to zidisha an e-mail.

    Thank you,
    Gladys Adera
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Gladys    May 7, 2015

    Hello Zidisha Team, I have talked to Fred about his payment, but he is going to write to an e-mail on the same. Fred made a mistake by sending 4000/- to zidisha on a different no. that he doesnt use. So he is going to contact you tomorrow if he has the no. he sent the Mpesa with and the date with the amount. I have also talked to Fred that it is best if he uses the same no. he registered with Zidisha so that lenders may know, he is sorry about it and not to repeat the same mistake.

    Thank you,
    Gladys Adera
    Volunteer Mentor.

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  • Fred    Apr 20, 2015

    I am happy to inform my ZIDISHA lenders that I received my 1st loan of KES 9,012. It's helpful since I'll buy seedlings to plant in my tree nursery. Thanks alot, I look forward to repaying the loan on time.

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