Loan to do a renovation of my fish stand


Nakuru, Kenya

45% repaid




Member since

September 2016

On-time repayments

20 installments  •  70%

About Me

I was born in the outskirts of the lake Nakuru where i was also raised. I did not go far with my education like other children in the area. The reason to that is i was the only child born to my parents. My father was a fisherman and my mother just stayed at home she did not work. We lived with the little money that my father used to get from fishing and that is the same cash that took me to school. My father then got ill when i was in my final year of primary education and i had to drop out of school to help my mother take care of him. I did not even do my final exams. We needed money for his hospital bills and food for our family, so i got myself into fishing. I had learnt how to fish when i was younger during my school holidays because i used to follow my father to the lake and he could show me how to fish. I got good at fishing and i made money which we used all of it to pay for hospital, buy drugs and buy food for the three of us. After one year, he succumbed to his illness. I had to continue taking care of my mother and myself so i gave up my hopes of ever going back to school and dedicated all my time to fishing. Ever since then i have dedicated my life to being the best fisherman. I always want to be the best in whatever i do. I want to do things differently than others and be outstanding. In our culture, a man is only respected if he has land, cattle and property. I am working very hard so that i can uphold my family name and earn respect from everybody.

My Business

In fish farming, we offer food rich in protein, that is fish. Fish is a very nutritious food. We sell them in any form that a client wants. For example raw fish or cooked. it can either be deep fried, stewed or roasted. Fish is a product that is very useful to people because it is a source of food. There are also no proven health hazards caused by consuming fish. Fish is well known for aiding in the development of a healthy brain in a baby. We supply fish to several markets outside Nakuru town. I chose this kind of business because it is the main economic activity in our community. it is also the main source of food there. Also because the young boys there grow up learning how to fish and when they are grown ups, it is the nearest and easiest source of money. Another reason why i chose this business of fishing is because i needed money urgently and because of my low levels of education it was so obvious that no one could accept me as an employee in their businesses, so i had no other choice than to do what my father did best. The income in this kind of business is fluctuating depending with the number of tourists around. The tourist number is very high towards the end of the year than at the beginning. when the number of tourists is low, we sell about 20 fish in a day each worth 2 us dollars. when the numbers are high, we sell about 40 fish in a day. I use the money to buy the fish bait, buy food for my mother and i, take care of the basic house needs and i save some for the intention of build a small restaurant for my mother around the area so that she can sell the fish that i harvest and get money for herself.

Loan Proposal

Thank you once again for the earlier loan, i will use the money to do a renovation of my fishing stand where i sell the fish ones i have harvested from the farm.
I will benefit from this because i will attract more customers and thus abel to get more money.
Ealier i raised my profits by 50% i now believe it will go up to 70%





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jan 11, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

2 months



Paul Graham

United States

Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States


Jake Gibson and Beverly Picardo

San Francisco, United States

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  • Kamau    Jan 9, 2017

    Thank you onea again for the loan, i will use the money to do a renovation of my fishing stand. It will help me display my fish well and hence attract customers.

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  • Kamau    Jan 8, 2017

    Thank you so much lenders for the earlier loan, it helped me buy a new bait for fishing, my fishing business as well as my fishing practice has been going on well. All credit goes to you

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  • Kamau    Jan 1, 2017

    I can pay more since my business has stabilized well.

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  • Kamau    Nov 20, 2016

    Thank you so much for the loan, will use the money to buy a new bait net for my fish farming business

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  • Kamau    Nov 19, 2016

    Thank you so much for the ealier loan, it enabled me to start up a resturant for my mother in town, i therefore harvest fish and take them to her place for sale. It has enabled her become financially stable and therefore in a position to support my other siblings. God bless you guys your awesome

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  • Kamau    Sep 17, 2016

    given the loan, i will use it to open up a small restaurant for selling fish for my mother . It will help me increase my income and live more comfortably. Thank you for the loan. I am humbled

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