Loan to expand my home supplies


Atonso Kumasi, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

June 2016

On-time repayments

27 installments  •  63%

About Me

About Me
My name is Deborah. I am 31 years of age. I live in Atonsu, Kumasi. I attanded Atonsu Basic School and proceeded to have my secondary school education.
I see moving to a new surrounding as a blessing because when i got here i knew nothing about my surroundings. I quickly familiarized myself with the environment and made friends with people.Then I looked for the business i could venture into which could both be lucrative and less tiring.That's when i started buying goods to resell.
I have 2 children; My first daughter wants to be a computer scientist, wants to be doctors and my sons want to be lawyer.
When i have nothing doing i enjoy braiding my daughters' hair,and baking pastries for my family.

My Business

I buy and resell kitchen appliances and utensils.These goods are high in demand because they are mostly bought by women and students in the hostel.I chose this business because if the right capital is invested in it it could be very lucrative.
I normally use $500 to buy and when i resell i get a profit between $150 and $200 I use my revenue to help my husband in taking care of the children,and providing certain household needs.I then use the rest to repurchase my goods to resell.

Loan Proposal

I will use the loan to purchase kitchen appliances such as blenders, rice cookers, toasters,kettles, microwaves and mini ovens to resell. i will use $80 to purchase the blenders, $90 to purchase rice cookers, $75 to purchase toasters, $100 to purchase kettles, $110 to purchase microwaves and ill use $130 to purchase mini ovens.
I hope to get a 50% profit on these goods after resale. The profit I get from this venture, ill use it to take care of my family,reinvest in my business and contribute to the orphanage in my vicinity.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 16, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

32 months

Other loans


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

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