Loan to fund my onions farm


Limuru, Kenya

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $1,007 goal


days left




Member since

May 2016

On-time repayments

36 installments  •  0%

About Me

I am an active person. I think I am kind and gentle, not meek, but brave. I am intelligent but not as intelligent as so many people on this world. I am impulsive. i was born in a small village in limuru kiambu county of Kenya. educated in limuru from primary to collage. currently i leave in kiambu county, limuru area. my grandmother introduced me to farming business where she practice mixed farming. i decided to venture into Tomatoes Farming after seeing the return she was getting from it. one unique thing i see with people around me is that there hard working and risk taker. mostly i like playing video games during my pastim

My Business

i do tomatoes farming and dairy cow keeping. the tomatoes i get i sell them at the capital city market and the milk for diary cow i sell them at the dairy factory. the goods i sell are items we all use on daily basis and they are very important and they demand never go down. i decided to do this business because its a passion i have and gain i can manage it even when far. currently i uses around ksh.50,000 to produce tomatoes and about Ksh.300,000 i get in return. I use the return i get for my family maintenance and the rest i reinvest it in the business.

Loan Proposal

1000kes for buying fertilizers to boost my onions.
then other remaining amount will be able to pay for labour charges.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 10, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

8 months


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

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  • Naomi    Jan 31, 2017

    i will buy some fertlizers to boost my crops
    it will help a lot because i will be able to harvest more products
    thank you my lenders for the loan

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  • Naomi    Jan 30, 2017

    thank you

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