Loan to investment my sanitary business

Nti Kwame

Kumasi, Ghana

100% repaid



Nti Kwame

Member since

February 2017

On-time repayments

91 installments  •  91%

About Me

I am Nti Kwame Kenneth. I twenty years of age. I attended attended jhs at bantama methodist and continue to shs level which l had the completion in the year 2013.
I worked very hard during my educational days and l had a business in mind.
I am currently working with someone and had in mind of establishing my own business
Our land is rich is minerals. My hobby is games especially soccer.

My Business

My business is in nature of sales. We deal with material for sanity. Material such as rows, diapers, etc. These goods and services have been of good use to the community. We have taken the full responsibility to cater for the community need by providing them with these sanitary materials.
This kind of business because there is a saying that cleanliness leads to godliness. I would like to be a symbols of hygiene in the community.
The main revenue is the business.
I would like my future kids to also be a business heroes.

Loan Proposal

When l am given this loan all l will do is to invest in this sanitary business .l will buy more sanitary materials such as cleaning agents at the cost of $15.00 .
This will contribute about some percentage increased in the business income hence my community members can experience more hygiene and this will cause a massive reduction of diseases like cholera outbreak.
I am expecting a profit if 26% increments.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 8, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

8 months



Sandy, Utah, United States


Amsterdam, Netherlands

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