Loan to pay university final exam fees


Kumasi, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

September 2016

On-time repayments

67 installments  •  66%

About Me

when i started school i had a small backyard gardens of which i grow some crops and and other vegetables . On every Fridays i sell this vegetables crops in the kumasi market. The gains was use in managing my poverty situation and including my university appeals

Until i had my first call into zidisha , the noble lending community who have help support and paid for my university tuition fees for last semester.

As a student in Agric business, who understands the concepts and practical knowledge behind Agriculture wouldn't hesitate to also start some practicals of owing a small farmland doing agric business activities in the house.. It is base on this knowledge that has given me the lead support in paying back my loans.

My Business

I remain thankful to my good lenders for helping me pay my university bills since i first join zidisha.

My academics is moving up progressively since i now have the sound mind to relax and study at school. As a flexible lending community i really know that and with their support and funding in my education i can make a weekly repayment for any loan that i borrow.

Great thanks goes to the CEO Julia Kurnia for bringing up this program on board that has help connect borrowers to lenders. Its an amazing and fantastic brain. I remain thankful to them for their loving care and the understanding poverty issues in the Africa community.

Currently i would like to seek for a third loan to complete on a write up project research on the nature of Agriculture amongst the three northern region In Ghana.
Currently unraveling some cause of poor yield in the regions.
I would need enough funds for these research and also hoping to raise some monies back from my other farm business to help redeem the loan.

Loan Proposal

Hello lenders,I hope that you are fine and doing well. I fill humbled to join these great team and I know it will help me go to greater heights. I am kindly requesting a loan of 97 ghs add to my $100 saving to clear up my fees so that I can do the end of semester exams. The examples will be held at the end of these month and I am optimistic I would be able to meet the deadline and pay fees on time. Thank you in advance.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 24, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

19 months


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

Ask Minta a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


