Loan to purchase binding and laminating machines


Nairobi, Kenya

24% repaid




Member since

June 2014

On-time repayments

62 installments  •  15%

About Me

My names are michael obura i am 25 years of age. I am the eldest in a family of five my mother,two brothers Aloo and Methan and a sister Peninah. I live with my siblings and i am the breadwinner in my family. i finished my O level (kcse) in the year 2008 and due to financial constrains i could not further my education. I started doing minial jobs to sustain my siblings and i and our mother. i would not want any of my siblings not to further their education due to finances so i decided to venture into the cyber cafe business using my savings and help from friends and family.

My Business

I am in the cyber cafe business its the business i always dreamt of since childhood because i loved computers from an early age. i offer various services in my cyber cafe that include: printing for$0.12 per page, browsing for $0.01 per minute, photocopying for $0.03 per page, typing for $0.3 per page, CD writing for $0.9 a CD, i also sell stationaries in my cyber cafe books, pens, staple pins, envelopes, rulers, office glue and printing papers i also sell blank CD and DVDs. from my business i get a regular income of $400 a month when business is good and on bad days $330 a month. I dont have a binding machine abd a laminating machine which i know if i buy they would supplement my income.

Loan Proposal

I own a cyber cafe which is not fully furnished when i get this loan i will be able to purchase a binding machine and a laminating machine this will enable me to print my customers books and bind them instead of referring them to another cyber cafe for binding after printing this makes them to opt to just go to the other cyber cafe for both than come to mine to later be referred elsewhere for binding. I will also be able to laminate documents for my customers who have been asking me for this service for quite sometime now with these two machine additions to my cyber cafe my business will not only have expanded but my income too would have increased and with an increase in income means my family will have minimal if not any financial problems there will be smiles all over the faces of my family members. i imploy the lenders of zidisha to fund me to be able to enhance my business, my income and put smiles on my family`s faces. this loan will enable me to compete adequately with other cybercafes in terms of business. Thank you in advance





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 21, 2014

Repayment status


Projected term

15 months



Stockholm, Sweden


Utrecht, Netherlands


Sarasota, Fl, United States


Münich, Germany


Zurich, Switzerland

Matching Fund

Sterling, United States






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