Loan to start up textiles business


Accra, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

June 2016

On-time repayments

34 installments  •  29%

About Me

My name is Rita Baah. I am 23 years old.I come from a town named Akrofufu in the Eastern Region but I was born in Accra.I reside and grew up at Awoshie with my mother.I am the only child.I had my basic education at Achimota Preparatory School, secondary education at Benkum Senior High School and went to the University of Ghana for my tertiary education.I was raised by a single mother who was into the business of selling textiles but she is no longer in business as an unfortunate fire outbreak caused her to lose her shop.Due to this incident, I had to start moving to people's shops to help them pack up their goods.I was then sent to my Auntie for her to help me further my education.It was a living hell but I had no choice.

My Business

While in school,I was still helping people pack up their goods into their shops. Through this work I was able to earn a little money to fend for myself in order to alleviate pressure on my mother.I managed to establish a solid relationship between me and some of the workers who introduced me to some textile suppliers.I spoke to them about my intension on selling textiles but I don't have enough money to purchase them.

Loan Proposal

If I am given this loan,I would purchase some traditional textiles start selling them and eventually expand to selling clothes for both men and women.The profit I would make out of this business would help me support my mother and also save up to further my education.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 22, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months

Other loans



Paul Graham

United States

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