Loan to stock my shop with rechargeable credit cards


Ejura, Ghana

100% repaid




Member since

February 2016

On-time repayments

225 installments  •  6%

About Me

My name is Osei Evelun a young girl from Ankase but I currently stay at Ejura in the Ashanti region of Ghana. I am 32 years of age. I am fair in complexion and heavily built. I started my basic school at Ankase D/A Basic School.I also went to senior high school at Amaniampong Senior High School at Mampong in the Ashanti region of Ghana. After my senior high education,I went to Cape coast polytechnic and I offered marketing as a course. My parents are Mr. and Mrs. Osei. I am from a family of four. I am the second born of my parents. After completing the polytechnic education, I was established my one of my uncles at Ejura where I started selling recharged credit cards. It is my dream and ambition to make it big in life through this business of mine.The food I like best is roasted yam and fried chicken. My hobbies are reading, watching movies and swimming.

My Business

I started my business a year after completing my polytechnic education. As said earlier, I was established by my uncle with an amount of $100. I have been in this business since 2010. I started selling the recharged credit cards on a table and gradually I made a small metal container shop where I now sell recharged credit cards such as Vodafone, MTN, Airtel, Tigo, etc. This is the only business I used in feeding myself and my aged parents. My profit keeps on increasing every week because I have a lot of customers who buy from me. I mange to get $55 dollars every week and it helps me a lot in catering for my aged parents and my younger siblings.My dream is to expand this business so that I will increase my profit margin and also to employ lots of people in my community to reduce the unemployment rate in my community. It is also my dream to reinvest my profit back into business to aid its fast growth.

Loan Proposal

Dear lenders l wish to apply for a loan of $100 to expand my recharged credit cards business. When this loan is given to me, I will use it to expand my business by buying more rechargeable credit cards to fill my shop. I will buy recharge credit cards such as Vodafone, MTN, Airtel, Glo etc which are not enough in my shop. Dear lenders, the amount I have is not enough so please help me. It is my aim to increase my profit margin by 55% in the next two months. When this loan is given to me, it will help increase my profit margin by 55% so dear lenders, please help me achieve this aim. I promise to repay the loan on time. Thank you.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 3, 2016

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

2 months

Other loans


The Zinc Team

San Francisco, United States

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  • Osei    Sep 25, 2016

    My income is low

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  • Osei    Jun 13, 2016

    I have received my loan of GHS 385.00 and have bpu

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  • Osei    May 29, 2016

    This loan will help me purchase enough credit cards into my shop and it will help increase my weekly profit. thank you for funding my loan.

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  • Osei    May 18, 2016

    Because my income has become extremely high.

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  • Osei    May 15, 2016

    Because my income is now high.

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  • Osei    May 15, 2016

    Thank you my dear lenders, my business is now moving by the grace of God and through your assistance.

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  • Osei    Mar 21, 2016

    my income is a little down

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