Mama shikus clothes


Nakuru, Kenya

34% paid forward




Member since

October 2022

On-time repayments

57 installments  •  42%

About Me

My name is Lydiah from Nakuru bahati
Am currently have my own business of selling second hand clothes.
I learnt about zidisha through my sister who is your member and she encouraged me to join.
I would like to join you too because zidisha has become a useful and a blessing to many
This loan will help me to boast my business.

Yours Lydiah

My Business

I have a second hand clothes business. Which is located at Bahati trading center.
My business is not doing well since COVID 19 and now election time.
But hoping that now as you boast me my business will stand well again.

Project Proposal

The fund will help me to add new stock to boost my job.since now am supporting a friend in joining school.
By doing so I can add another business also





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Feb 13, 2024



Kirn, Germany


Marquette, United States



San Francisco, CA, United States


Fremont, Ca, United States


Namarambi, Kenya




Diane U

Olympia, Wa, Usa, United States


Aruba, Kenya



Helsinki, Finland



Nnewi, Nigeria

Naomi Laison

Moshi, Tanzania


Mufulira, Zambia

Frank Butaga

Mwanza, Tanzania



United States

Ask Lydiah a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Lydiah    Feb 12, 2024

    I would like to take these opportunity to say thank you good people for being generous.i. Know it's not everyone help.But people did that to me.
    This money will be of great help am going to restock my shop And other i will school fee for my friend ho is really in need

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  • Moses    Feb 10, 2024

    Wishes the best of luck Lydiah

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  • Lydiah    Feb 3, 2024

    Boosting my business by buying new stock. As now kid are in school I can buy school bags school jacket and hoodie

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  • Lydiah    Jul 18, 2023

    Hi to you thanks all for helping me out with the fund l really appreciate it. What I will adult thing which includes ladies leggings and bra also shirt and kids shoes.

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  • Lydiah    Jul 17, 2023

    First and foremost is to take this opportunity to thank you all my backer it's because of your help i made it.its because I bought the chair and some other stuff for barber shop. It has really helped me to have money for other things.

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  • Lydiah    May 20, 2023

    Financial management i had alot on my shoulder. It really hurts not to be able to pay back what you good people lend me on time

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  • Lydiah    Apr 29, 2023

    Personal problem i can know go into detail.all i know i will clear my payment. Am so so sorry for delay i don't intend to do that

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  • Lydiah    Mar 18, 2023

    Thank zidisha family for your help when I need it. I really appreciate it from bottom of my heart thank you.
    This money will help to buy Berber chair add clothes in shop. boosting cosmetics products.

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  • James    Mar 14, 2023

    Good work msupa

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  • Lydiah    Mar 10, 2023

    Hello good people am here to thank all who helped me. Your support really helped me in my business since it's was hard for me to do business

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  • Lydiah    Mar 5, 2023

    Personal has been hard job not doing well but soon thing will be okay

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  • Lydiah    Mar 2, 2023

    I had financial problem. high cost of living is real people prefer to buy food instead of clothes and seems I am dealing with clothes there's no flow of customers.that why it has been a problem to stick with the plan of the instalment

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  • Lydiah    Jan 13, 2023

    I will buy cosmetics products and start will help me to boost my business. I want to take these times to appreciate your help to me May God bless you all. May you never luck

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  • Lydiah    Jan 13, 2023

    Added a bale.shifted to a bigger house of work that is achievement.these has added earnings.these made people interested and want to how I got there

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  • Lydiah    Jan 13, 2023

    I like to add another business. To start something else instead of dealing with one thing. berbershop and beauty staffs

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  • Lydiah    Jan 10, 2023

    Currently not financial stable. My business not doing well. I was sick for some weeks. Now it's back to school people are busy in that field so buying clothes it very hard.

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  • Lydiah    Dec 4, 2022

    Thanks backer for accepting my proposal. I really appreciate alot

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  • Lydiah    Dec 4, 2022

    Thanks so much backer for accepting my request.
    This funds will help me alot i appreciate.

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  • Lydiah    Dec 4, 2022

    Thanks my backers. I have just finished repayments the project was very successful thus managed to repay.
    Thanks so much my bankers.

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  • Lydiah    Nov 27, 2022

    Am back here to appreciate all who help and funded me.may all be blessed from bottom of my heart I say thank you . I added my stock

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