Marketing strategies and company rebranding


Nairobi, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

February 2015

On-time repayments

26 installments  •  65%

About Me

Dear reader, thank you for this chance.
I was born in a remote village of central Kenya between Mt, Kenya and the Aberdare ranges a few km south of equator. i grew up as herds boy and tilling our firm to meet basic needs was the order of the day. Due to this, I earned life skills to survive with least available resources. I secured a a seat in a competitive provincial / county high school after a commanding lead in class 8 exams. This granted me a vacancy in a one the best high school in my province then. I got away with a vacancy to a technical university where I was admitted for a course in electrical and electronics engineering (telecommunication option). Life was not a bed of roses. I got a diploma in the year 2002. I have a dream to do masters and beyond. I have exploited my electronics engineering skills to model a business that is growing and am very proud since am doing what i love doing and skilled for that mater, very few of my colleagues have managed it this way.
I got a chance to work with a security firm involved in major projects in installation of alarms, access control , cctv, security doors but my relief was short lived, the Israel based director died, and that was the of the story of the company. I secured a vacancy after sometime in an engineering training firm as training coordinator. I was in charge training department. My best time came when I was asked to recruit participants in the annual local IEEE 2007 contest. I managed 144 successful participants from a personal target of 500. This was the best then but I had not surpassed even a half of my target. First 2 winners were awarded a trip to Google headquarter. I lost my job a few months later. My file was clear of any wrong doing but since I had no proper documentation to argue my case, I moved on.

My Business

My business

Dear lenders,

as a telecommunication technician, i have heavily invested in embedded systems development that has a very promising future as this field is not exploited in my country and desire to be among those who will be regarded as pioneers of the industry.
i have identified and made my initial commitment for Prolab ltd office and i believe by end of this month i should be able to clear the balance. It is situated on a very strategic point near Ruiru town 500 meters off thika supper highway along eastern bypass for those who can use google maps or for any one who may wish to visit. Am in three rings building currently under construction, just a few meters before kamakis, the popular meeting point.

My application for this loan is intend to help market my products .

The key products i want to market are as follows in order of priority

1: MILK DISPENSER cleared with model


3: HOME AUTOMATION KIT in progress

i trust to be succeed with zidisha.

Thank you all
David K. Wacera
Prolab Ltd

Loan Proposal

As a developer, i have came to realized most innovators in this country hardly go far due to the contentment that one enjoys when you accomplish your research and every one is speaking proudly what new innovation you have developed. there is no infrastructure here to tap-on and enhance productivity. when the MPESA ,( the platform under which we transact on in Kenya and where-else applicable), was in the inception stage, there were very many projects of the same status but i can trace down the participant as employees in very different field compared to what one had presented. when the 7th wonder of the world , the wield beast migration from Serengeti to Masai Mara comes ,the lions and crocodiles of Mara river are graced to freely choose the best for their meal, the rest disappear in the jungle. the innovation is fairly good but there is no well coordinated approach. i must go my way all the way to the finish line and wish it happens with zidisha, the terms of to day are just great , there is hope. its a marathon and i have the stamina and endurance.
My plan for this loan is to finish the website which is under construction and get more aggressive to push for my products to the market through by providing demo to the target clients.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 3, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months



Paul Graham

United States

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