Medicine envelopes and disposal masks for supplier business


Naivasha, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

April 2015

On-time repayments

69 installments  •  14%

About Me

I grew up raised by a single mother. Went through High school to later train as a social development worker. But due to unemployment and low self esteem for over five years I got involved in drugs. I overcame the predicament through involvement in art and hope as I was always dreaming of owning a business and I would always draw logos of outfits I wished to run. I consoled myself with my ideas
Later I was able to start a audio recording business but went under after two years of operation. I into unemployed for a year and got a job with KWS. My present business Scope Merchants was an Idea I held for three year after my attempt at a recording studio flopped.
In Naivasha where I live is known for wildlife and has some of the biggest flower and horticultural farms in the country and region.
Currently I'm not married and don't have any children, however I have plans of having a family in the near future.
I enjoy drawing what I call African fractals which I plan to get commercial with soon. I like cooking, mentorship, photography and interested in the tech sector.

My Business

I have formal employment where (I work as customer care assistant with government office. ) besides the business that I will use to pay the loan.
My business ( started in September 2014 however I got legal registration with Government of Kenya in February 2015. I deal in supplying of Non FOOD ITEMS; disposable masks, hair nets, resealable medicine envelops, resealable polythene bags, cotton swabs/cotton buds and FOODSTUFF namely; FRUITS VEGETABLES, CEREALS, MEAT, EGGS, MILK.
The former group is used in hospitals, health centers. The government used provide them free to public hospitals but with devolution of health services it no longer issue them. So the new county governments that run the hospitals have to procure by themselves. Thats where I come in. In addition our quality is superior than our competition. Since they are consumables prospects of steady revenue is high, since the envelopes, masks and hair nets shall be needed by the market regularly.
With the later group of products I believe that i can never go wrong since food is consumed on a daily basis so demand is always there.

One of the areas of my busines( Scope merchants) is wholesale and retail of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken, Eggs and milk.
I chose to deal in this class of products because it is sustainable and ecustomers will need food daily if not weekly. This ensures cash flow and with good relations customer retention is much easier.
The various sources for the produce;
1. Farmers who grow fruits, vegetables, rear chicken and cows for meat, eggs and milk respectively. Prices are normally low, however transport costs have to be incurred since most of them are located in rural areas.
2. Markets located in rural, semi urban and urban areas also have such produce. Prices are slightly higher than the farmers. Depending on the location transport costs incurred to take goods to customers vary.

3. Brokers who operate mostly in urban areas like Nairobi, Nakuru and Kisumu. Their prices are normally higher than the two groups above. Also depending on the location transport cost can be incurred but are relatively lower.

Most of the potential customers be it institutions, organizations or individuals are mostly in urban areas I.e Nairobi, Nakuru, Naivasha and Kisumu and environs. This means I look for produce compare buying and selling prices and see where there is more returns. At the moment Nairobi and Kisumu have proved to be ideal markets.
I sell wholesale to other small traders. In addition I strategically place myself in various markets, street corners and neighborhoods to retail fruits vegetables, Fish and eggs directly to customers who buy in small quantities. Returns here are even higher.
All this is in an effort to cut a niche in a market full to profit hungry brokers who care nothing about the farmers nor the consumer. I want to create a situation where the farmer gets best price for his produce while the consumers get fresh food affordably and conveniently I a way that also allows me get returns that can sustain the business

Loan Proposal

I launched my supplier business in February 2015. In July 2015 I got orders to supply medicine envelops and mask for two hospitals. The cost of envelopes at wholesale price for a pack containing 10000 units costs 60 dollars while that of disposable masks of 3000 units cost 20 dollars. upon delivery to customer the envelopes sell at a profit of 60 dollars a gain of 100% for 10000 units, while the masks fetch a profit of 7 dollars for 3000 units.

Sales has been slow because the customers I currently cater for are small hold pharmacies that buy small number of envelopes. However with the recent orders that I landed with the two hospitals means I have to move in fast and capitalize on the high number of envelopes and masks they require. That means I cannot afford to lay but to ensure that I meet demands of the order in quantity and in time.

The two hospitals need 20,000 units of envelopes and 4500 units of mask by end of August. I already have 70 dollars to purchase 10000 units of envelopes and 1500 units of mask.
I therefore need another 70 dollar to purchase 10000 units of envelopes and 20 dollars to get 3000 units of masks.

Fulfill this order will open new avenues in terms of customer base as well as revenue base. This in turn will give more money for business growth since the returns for big orders is high. At the end of the transaction means I will have 190 dollars in profit and with around 100 dollars used in paying the loan I will have 90 dollars in reserve.

I'm anticipating that they might need replenishing of their stock somewhere mid of September 2015 therefore with little assistance I will later be able to meet their supplies needs might easier.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 7, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks

Other loans


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Samuel a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Patrick    May 9, 2017

    Hi Samuel,
    kindly note that you are very late on your loan repayments. This may affect your credit rating here at zidisha. Kindly make arrangements to pay your loans or adjust your installment amount to suit your repayments. This will help lenders get to fund you in future projects

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  • Samuel    Mar 2, 2016

    Lost my job and currently business is not doing well. I really feel that I have let my references down I never thought it would get to point.
    I know very soon I will be able to overcome the current situation

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  • Samuel    Dec 30, 2015

    I start out well once I got the funding. However things turned sour after I was transferred from my initial job station to a very remote location. This has made me to have less access to my business as I had anticipated. I had been forced to wait until three to four weeks when I CAN BE ABLE TO access internet connection a well as activities I had planned to undertake during the duration of using the funds. I at some point was contemplating on giving up on the business, I felt disappointed with myself for not been able to pay up my installments in times. But after carefully examining my options including promising prospects come January 2016 I have decided to reduce my installments until I can bring the situation to a control.

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  • Samuel    Nov 8, 2015

    Let me take this chance to report that I was disbursed with an equivalent of $200 in Kenya Shillings. I'm very grateful for the loan since I will be able to go ahead with my plans of acquiring a driving license after attending a driving school. Besides, I will be able to buy avocados for my fruits supplier business.
    I'm very happy that I will also be able to buy some chickens to sale since I also supply poultry meat.
    I am very grateful to the zidisha team for the opportunity to borrow loans affordable to build my business.

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  • Stephen    Nov 3, 2015

    Hi Samuel, good job. Is it possible we meet for a chat since am also based in Naivasha?
    Stephen Akuno, Naivasha

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  • Samuel    Oct 30, 2015

    Hi Zidisha Team,
    Thank you very much for the funding of the loan request I made ealier on. This funding will go a long way in enabling me to get a driving licence that will in turn help me in renting a van for collection and delivery of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish medicine envelopes and mask to my customers. in addition it will help me enhance my business capacity on delivering fruits by increasing my stock of avocados.

    Finally I cant describe how excited I am because now I can take my business to the next level. Once again I say thank you very much to the donors for help me get this loan for believing in me and trusting me. My thanks also goes to Zidisha for giving me the opportunity to explore enterpreneuer in me. Frankly I would have never gotten such a chance elsewhere.
    Thank you very much and God bless you all.

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  • Samuel    Oct 10, 2015

    After the first disbursement I went ahead to successfully implement my plans I had laid them down. The customers I was expecting to deal with subscribed to my services. I supplied two hospitals with medicine envelopes and disposable masks and after that of 20-70 days I was able to:

    1. Increase my revenue base by $70 which I raked from profits after repayment of the loan. Now the inventory for envelopes and masks is good and can support supplying to customers in the coming months if October, November and December. Restocking will be done with proceeds from the profits.
    2. To gain more confidence in approaching more customers. Compared to the time before getting the loan I had only random customers I.e chemists and pharmacies. However after getting the loan I now have one more steady customer whom should all conditions remain constant shall require my services well into December 2015. I now serve more customers.
    All success comes with some setbacks.
    Most of the customers pay on a monthly basis. So I have to wait for a period of 30 to sometimes forty days to get paid. This is more with the hospitals.
    Though the following challenges below haven't really affected me during the period of repayment of the loan, I do expect the shocks this October and beyond.
    My source for these products have increased the minimum quantity of purchase. That means I will have to renegotiate the terms to solicit some kind of waiver or succumb to the new rules and allocate more funds for that purpose.
    In addition there is a major competitor. A big and well established entity recently ventured into medicine envelopes and offer low prices. I will have to innovatively reduce my prices, improve customer relations and diversify my revenue streams.

    I wish to personally express my gratitude to Mr. Paul Buchheit for believing in me and lending me cash that has in turn increased my inventory and given me the chance to take my business to the next level. That I had less worries of raising funds a major headache for entrepreneurs. I can relax and direct my energies in building other aspects of my business. Honestly your help I would have not been able to increase my inventory by $70.
    Now I want to embark on developing my capacity in supplying fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, milk and eggs. All in a bid to become a trusted partner in supply of these products.
    I'm very grateful to be associated with you. You are partners to my business and wish to build this relationship to higher heights. Thank you very much once again and may Almighty God bless you in abundance.

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  • Samuel    Aug 22, 2015

    I'm ready to make my second repayment due on 23rd Aug 2015.
    I was able to make second delivery of masks to one of my customers.
    Besides I have made purchases for envelopes due for delivery on 25th Aug 2015.

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  • Samuel    Aug 13, 2015

    I am very grateful for the loan disbursed to me on 7th of AUG 2015.
    I have already made an order for medicine envelopes. I have also made a delivery of masks to one of the customers.
    I should be making a delivery of the envelopes by Sunday 16th AUG 2015.
    The prospects are good and M very optimistic that sometimes around 15th SEPT 2015 I will have made deliveries as I expected and payments due to me have been made.
    I'm very ready as on 16th AUG 2015 I will be making my first repayment.

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