Increase production

Shinta Octavia

Jakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid



Shinta Octavia

Member since

April 2018

On-time repayments

13 installments  •  69%

About Me

I lived in Jakarta. My mother died at the age of 5 because my father"s illness was married after 9 years. My mother died. I was a child, my grandmother and grandfather of my father at the age of 16 were treated while selling to pay for my schooling and Until now, I continue to sell food clothes and receive orders from friends for an Indonesian event, it is unique that many tribes are different places and tourism is very good. my aspirations for children can be independent to live the next life and can help others. My hobby is treveling in Indonesia to islands that have not been touched by people

My Business

I sell clothes per 1 clothes I sell can be $ 60 or $ 50 and the profit per shirt can be $ 10 to $ 15 I take it directly from the tailor of the clothes that I sell big size because I look for big size models that are different from the others are still very little in market per month I can sell around 200 to 500 clothes

Loan Proposal

additional capital for stock of clothes sold in my shop. Hopefully, next can continue to work with Zidisha to raise my shop and be able to help others

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

saya tinggal di daerah jakarta ibu saya meninggal di usia saya 5 tahun karena sakit ayah menikah lg setelah 9 tahun ibu saya meninggal saya dari kecil memang di rawat oleh nenek dan kakek dari ayah saya di usia 16 tahun saya sekolah sambil berjualan utk membiayai sekolah saya dan sampai saat ini saya terus berjualan baju makanan dan menerima pesanan dari teman2x utk suatu acara indonesi sangat lah unik banyak suku setiap tempat berbeda2x dan pariwisatanya sangat bagus. cita2x saya utk anak2x bisa mandiri utk menjalani kehidupan selanjutnya dan bisa bantu sesama. hobi saya adalah treveling di indonesia ke pulau2x yang belum terjamah olah orang2x

My Business

saya berjualan baju per 1 baju saya jual bisa $60 atau $50 dan ke untungan per baju bisa $10 sampai $15 saya ambil langsung dari penjahit nya baju yang saya jual ukuran big size karena cari model untuk ukuran big size yang beda dari yang lain masih sangat sedikit di pasaran per bulan saya bisa jual sekitar 200 sampai 500 baju

Loan Proposal

penambahan modal untuk stok baju yang di jual di toko saya. semoga next bisa terus kerja sama dengan zidisha untuk membesarkan toko saya dan bisa membantu sesama





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 1, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week




United States


J Fister

United States

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