Building a business by prioritizing commitment and consistency


Surakarta, Indonesia


$0 to go

100% funded of $36 goal


days left




Member since

June 2018

On-time repayments

16 installments  •  100%

About Me

I came from a simple family ... the top priority school, I graduated from STT Telkom Bandung, majoring in informatics engineering. sy life principle of honesty, never give up in achieving goals and dreams, live up to progress and develop ... can not go on the road. take advantage of time as well as possible. time is like a sword where we must not waste or will be cut ourselves and regret.

My Business

I worked at an official Honda dealer, the position of Branch Head (Branch Manager) I also have a business Salon and Makeup Bridal. In the management sy assisted my wife ... I served as a promotion and marketing and network development ... hope in the future can open new branches So that I can be known by more people

Loan Proposal

Purchase spare parts and accessories so that consumers who come feel satisfied and comfortable because the needed items are available

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

sy berasal dr kelg yg sederhana...sekolah mjd prioritas utama, sy lulusan dr STT Telkom bandung, jurusan tehnik informatika. prinsip hidup sy kejujuran, pantang menyerah dalm meraih cita2 dan impian, hidup hrs maju dan boleh jalan di tempat. memanfaatkan waktu sebaik mungkin.waktu ibarat pedang yang mana kita tidak boleh menyia nyiakan ato akan tertebas sendiri dan menyesal.

My Business

sy bekerja di dealer resmi honda, jabatan Branch Head ( Kepala Cabang) sy juga punya usaha Salon dan Rias Pengantin.dalam pengelolaanya sy dibantu bertugas sbg bag promosi dan marketing serta pengembangan jaringan..harapan ke depan bisa membuka cabang baru.Sehingga bs dikenal lebih banyak orang

Loan Proposal

Pembelian spare part dan asesoris sehingga konsumen yang datang merasa puas dan nyaman karena barang yang dibutuhkan tersedia





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


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