Buy a play tool


Tangerang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

62 installments  •  82%

About Me

I am a teacher of Tk / paud zema ananda, I taught for 2 years, in tk I was need learning tools for children like sand, small bucket and other central tools.

My Business

my source of income comes from establishing TK / paud which stood from the year 2016 until now, thank God everything went smoothly, although to buy play equipment in cicil little by little

Loan Proposal

Will be used to buy play equipment and school supplies and buy a storybook to create a small library in the school, so that children can listen to a fairy tale every day.

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About Me

saya adalah seorang pengajar Tk/paud zema ananda, saya mengajar selama 2 tahun,di tk saya sedang butuh alat alat belajar untuk anak anak seperti pasir,ember kecil dan alat2 sentra lainnya.

My Business

sumber penghasilan saya berasal dari mendirikan TK/paud yang berdiri dari tahun 2016 sampai dengan sekarang, alhamdulilah segala sesuatunya berjalan lancar, walaupun untuk membeli peralatan bermain secara di cicil sedikit demi sedikit

Loan Proposal

Akan di gunakan untuk membeli alat bermain dan perlengkapan sekolah dan membeli buku buku cerita untuk membuat perpustakaan kecil di sekolah,agar anak anak dapat mendengarkan sebuah dongeng setiap hari nya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 3, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 months


Don Williams

New Zealand

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