Buy seeds to increase production


Banjarnegara, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $100 goal


days left




Member since

August 2015

On-time repayments

8 installments  •  0%

About Me

I am a self-employed in agriculture, especially my planting potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peppers, and tomatoes. My efforts went well enough in terms of economic and financial aspects of my wife and children to support his family by farming. I also have workers amounted to 10 people and with so I could create jobs for the people around me who need jobs. I really enjoy my job for me as a farmer and farming have been fused with my soul, farming is the way my life that I would live this life. But there is one thing that makes me sad, because the use of chemical inputs in farming in my environment has caused severe pollution pingkungan. Put chemicals I mean is a chemical drug or chemical pesticides are chemical fungicides, insectisida chemistry, chemical herbicides, chemical fertilizers as well. All that has been hugely damaging environmental damage, water, soil and chemical contamination on plants that are not good for health. I possessed a desire to restore an environmentally friendly farming methods, by means of an organic farm where all inputs are from organic materials, namely the control of pests and plant diseases using organic materials that are environmentally friendly.

My Business

One of the obstacles in developing farming I face is lack of capital. So far I"ve been pretty good effort but need additional capital to increase production. In a single growing season potatoes are diving 4 months, the potato plants that I try an area of ​​5000 square meters (0.5 hectares) requires a seed of approximately 1300 kg of seeds can produce potato vegetable approximately 10000 kg (10 tons) with the assumption that the selling price of 6000 rupiah per kg then no income gross of 60000000 rupiah, the income gross (gross) because they still have to cut the cost of production is the cost of pesticides, labor costs, rental costs of land, the cost of purchasing fertilizers and others that can be calculated net income (net). The experience so far for earnings 60000000 could generate net income of 23000000 rupiah to 27000000 rupiah, therefore I am sure will be able to pay the mortgage installments of the debt would I ask to Tim Zidisha, hopefully we can start to establish cooperation so that the needs of my capital can be met, do not forget I say many thanks to all the team Zidisha loan facility that has given this to us, thank you.

Loan Proposal

With the additional capital loan, I can buy quality seed potatoes that are expected to increase production and productivity, the existing seed quality seed less support so that productivity can not be increased. I would not use the results of the new seeds have to pay my debt to Zidisha as a result of money from these seeds take a long time from planting to make money, BUT, I will use the infusion of money that"s available now to pay the mortgage debt, which is money I can from the plant that has been running for this, and I am sure all will be able to pay my debt obligations to Zidisha, thank you.

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About Me

Saya adalah seorang wiraswasta dibidang pertanian, khususnya saya bertanam kentang, kol, wortel, cabe, dan tomat. Usaha saya cukup berjalan dengan baik dalam arti dari aspek ekonomi dan keuangan saya bisa menghidupi keluarga anak istri dengan bertani. Saya juga mempunyai pekerja berjumlah 10 orang dan dengan begitu saya bisa membuka lapangan kerja bagi orang orang di sekitar saya yang membutuhkan pekerjaan. Saya sangat menikmati pekerjaan saya sebagai petani dan bagi saya bercocok tanam sudah menyatu dengan jiwa saya, bertani adalah cara hidup saya dimana saya akan menjalani hidup ini. Namun ada satu hal yang membuat saya sedih, karena pemakaian masukan bahan kimia dalam bertani di lingkungan saya telah menimbulkan pencemaran pingkungan yang sangat parah. Masukan bahan kimia yang saya maksudkan adalah obat obatan kimia atau pestisida kimia yaitu fungisida kimia, insectisida kimia, herbisida kimia, juga pupuk kimia. Semua itu telah banyak menimbulkan kerusakan kerusakan lingkungan, air, tanah, dan kontaminasi kimia pada tanaman yang tidak baik untuk kesehatan. Saya mempunya keinginan untuk mengembalikan cara bertani yang ramah lingkungan, dengan cara tani organik dimana semua masukan berasala dari bahan bahan organik, yaitu pengendalian hama dan penyakit tanaman menggunakan bahan organik yang ramah lingkungan.

My Business

Salah satu kendala dalam mengembangkan usaha tani yang saya hadapi adalah kendala modal. Sejauh ini usaha saya sudah cukup bagus namun perlu modal tambahan untuk menambah produksi. Dalam satu kali musim tanam kentang yaitu selam 4 bulan, tanaman kentang yang saya usahakan seluas 5000 meter persegi (0.5 hektare) membutuhkan bibit sebesar kurang lebih 1300 kg bibit bisa menghasilkan kentang sayur sekitar 10000 kg (10 ton) dengan asumsi harga jual 6000 rupiah per kg maka ada pemasukan kotor sebesar 60000000 rupiah, itu pemasukan kotor (bruto) karena masih harus di potong biaya produksi yaitu biaya pestisida, biaya tenaga kerja, biaya sewa lahan, biaya pembelian pupuk dan lain lain sehingga bisa di hitung pendapatan bersihnya ( netto). Pengalaman sejauh ini untuk penghasilan 60000000 bisa menghasilkan pendapatan bersih sebesar 23000000 rupiah sampai 27000000 rupiah, oleh karena itu saya yakin akan dapat membayar cicilan angsuran hutang yang akan saya ajukan kepada Tim Zidisha, semoga kita bisa memulai untuk menjalin kerjasama agar kebutuhan modal saya bisa terpenuhi, tidak lupa saya mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada semua Tim Zidisha yang telah memberi fasilitas pinjaman ini kepada kami, terimakasih.

Loan Proposal

Dengan tambahan pinjaman modal, saya bisa membeli bibit kentang berkualitas sehingga diharapkan produksi dan produktifitas meningkat, benih yang ada saat ini kualitas benih kurang mendukung sehingga produktifitas tidak bisa ditingkatkan. Saya tidak akan menggunakan hasil dari benih baru ini untuk membayar hutang saya ke Zidisha karena hasil uang dari benih ini membutuhkan waktu cukup lama dari penanaman sampai menghasilkan uang, NAMUN, saya akan memakai pemasukan uang yang sudah ada sekarang untuk membayar cicilan hutang, yaitu uang yang saya dapat dari hasil tanam yang sudah berjalan selama ini, dan saya yakin sekali akan dapat membayar kewajiban hutang saya kepada Zidisha, terimakasih.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 9, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

7 weeks




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Ask Ahmad a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • Ahmad    Sep 9, 2015

    I"m confused, my submission is long enough to fully funded, but until now has not been liquefied make sure that when I had my purse already a premium and I have to say to Zidisha, what should I do? Please give input and advice to me, thank you

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  • andyfletcher    Sep 4, 2015

    Hello Ahmad,
    Please contact [email protected] about this.

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    • Ahmad    Sep 4, 2015

      Hello andyfletcher,____Thanks to the advice, I will do it.....

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  • Ahmad    Sep 4, 2015

    I hope to receive a loan as soon as possible , thank you. My Indosat that truth is 6285865705569, I am sorry because my number which I gave before was wrong cause it not suport Premium Dompetku Indosat Services. thanks

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  • Ahmad    Sep 2, 2015

    Zidisha thank the team and all the funding, lending me already fully funded, now I"m waiting for the funds liquid and soon I can use, thank you.

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  • Ahmad    Aug 28, 2015

    I would like to thank all of the funders who helped me farm

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  • Ahmad    Aug 28, 2015

    I need additional capital to increase the production of potato plants I

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  • Ahmad    Aug 28, 2015

    Potatoes farm

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  • Ahmad    Aug 28, 2015

    My potatoes

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  • Ahmad    Aug 24, 2015

    Thanks to the fundraiser so far, you can trust me and I will prove that I am eligible to receive a credit of trust you all, I will not leave you disappointed to have to lend it to me, I promise to it! Thanks again ....

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