Memory card for my digital camera

Samuel Kwame

Accra, Ghana

100% repaid



Samuel Kwame

Member since

May 2015

On-time repayments

55 installments  •  49%

About Me

My name is Samuel Kwame Oppong. I come from Asiakwa in the Eastern Region. I am a businessman and am precisely into network marketing, both online and offline. I have been into network marketing for the past five years. I am happily married to Afia Owusua Oppong, with whom I have had two lovely children, a boy and a girl. My wife works at the Ministry of Finance, she is at the HR department and has shown keen interest in Zidisha loan. I reside at Mataheko near Kaneshie with my wife and kids. I am sociable person as well as a team player. I am a first degree and cert “A” holder. I majored in sociology and management. With my background as a trained teacher, I am able to organize people and train them to acquire a particular skill to better enhance their financial life. I actually resigned from my teaching job to become a networker only to help others and myself have the freedom to generate multiple streams of income. Most of my colleagues look up to me, for better business opportunities. Currently, I am training some friend to become forex traders and they are all doing very well in demo accounts. I intend assisting those of them who need some financial assistance by referring them to Zidisha. I always say that Zidisha has really come at the time we need it most and I am grateful to the staff and management for make such a flexible financial facility to be available for us. Long live Zidisha, long live all the staff, management and members and not forgetting the mentors.

My Business

I started work as a teacher and I taught for about 11 years. During these years of teaching, I attended various evening schools to learn different trades like computer hardware and Networking, snail farming and even learnt how to convert organic materials into biogas. After all these I realized a need to get a first degree. It was in my final year in the university that I resigned from my official duty as a teacher. One will ask why I resigned from teaching at that stage of my life, when I had just married. The truth was that there was an edge inside me to be an entrepreneur. The desire to help people was high on my dreams; It was so strong that I realized that working for someone cannot me realize that dream so I had to leave my comfort zone. My first area of call was to organize some young boys who were not work and taught them computer hardware and at least two of them are now full time hardware technicians and are doing well.
The next action I took was to become a product networker. The idea was introduced to me and I saw myself in the ideology of product network where people help people succeed. My first company was 'Edmark', the business was great and I help a lot of people into it. Later on I added 'wetnetprofit', a board system and it was also doing great.
As a network marketer for almost six years, I have had lots of successes in the industry. I am a focused person who does one thing at a time. The bedrock of the industry is faithfulness, loyalty, friendliness and above all selflessness. I am always desirous to see my friends succeed and that had been my passion all these years. In this regard, I have had a lot of respect from my colleagues. I travel length and breadth of my country reaching out to people with this network marketing business.
My main problem has been finance. Getting a start-up capital in this country has been a great challenge. So when my friend told me about Zidisha, I was humbled. Even though I did not believe him, until he had his first and second loans. It is for this reason that I decided to join Zidisha and Ernest Kwakugah, my friend introduced me to your business friendly loan system. I know with this loan facility, I will gradually be able to achieve my dreams of setting up businesses which will change many lives. As I said earlier on, entrepreneurship is my passion. And to put smiles on people’s faces is my greatest desire

Loan Proposal

One of the jobs I taught myself to do is photography. I have a professional camera, Nikon D60 but my memory card is damaged and I would be using this first loan to buy at least one 16 gigabits memory card for my camera.
This will put me back to the photo business where opportunities exist almost everyday. I cover wedding marriages, out doorings, seminars, workshops etc.
The memory card is the bloodline of the digital camera, by getting access to it, I believe my income will be greatly improved weekly. I charge 250GhC to 750GhC for each assignment or even more, depending on the kind of job I am called to snap. And at least I will have one or more jobs before the end of each week.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 27, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Michel Bavin

Antwerp Area, Belgium

Ask Samuel Kwame a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.

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  • EthicalHost    Sep 19, 2016

    Samuel how is it going? i see repayments have dropped off?

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  • Samuel Kwame    Apr 4, 2016

    I will like to thank the Zidisha team for this opportunity. I have to reduce my installment amount to enable me pay in time as I am faced with unusual pressure from my landlord to settle more than double what I used to pay. It has really affected my work as I run here and there to raise the money. I therefore ask for less amount in the installment so I do not seem to be lacking here too.
    I am sure to settle all my loan in good time, but please, allow me this space to find my grounds. Thank you once again for this avenue.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Mar 23, 2016

    I am happy to be part of this community. It is great to have you around. All thanks go to my lenders for your patience and love, God richly bless you.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Jan 19, 2016

    Happy belated new year! I have been having challenges with my internet system of late, so please forgive me for not giving you an update of my activities. I wish everyone a successful year 2016. I am always grateful for your help and hope to work with you all this year as well. May God continue to bless all those who make this platform possible for most of us to get access to interest-free loans which also are flexible to pay. Thank you once again.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Nov 9, 2015

    I am so grateful for the loan, it delayed though but it came at the right time. I am so happy to be a member of Zidisha. I was able to buy the lens and it is working perfectly. Thank you so so so much my lenders. God richly bless you.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Oct 26, 2015

    Dear Kripa Aryal,
    Thank you for giving this information, I will also wait for the situation to be fixed. Thank you once again.

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  • Kripa Aryal    Oct 25, 2015

    Delayed disbursement due to technical issue with MTN website. We are trying to fix this issue asap.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Oct 17, 2015

    I wish to add a photo of the lens I wish to buy. Thank you once again.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Oct 17, 2015

    Hello Zidisha Lenders,
    This is great and wonderful. As at yesterday, It was 49% funded, but to my surprise by the time I woke up this morning, the amount has been given. You do not know how grateful I am to see this money in my account. I must say again,God richly bless you all who contributed to my loan. And as I have been doing, by God's grace I will never disappoint your trust in me.
    As stated earlier, I am going to use this money acquire a new camera lens to replace my damaged one. By buy this lens, it will ensure that I work constantly to every week and offset all the loan. Thank you so much once again, and I am very much grateful. May God continue to bless your business as you continue to help the needy. Amen!

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  • Samuel Kwame    Oct 13, 2015

    Hello Zidisha Team,
    I am grateful for this platform. I really need to buy the lens for my camera. Our esteemed lenders please help me achieve this objective and I will never disappoint you. There is a program on the 17th of this month, an engagement and a blessing. I desire to use my camera this week end. I hope you will continue to help me achieve my humble dream of making a mark in the photo industry. Thank you once again and may God blessing for helping people with me.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Oct 3, 2015

    Hello esteemed Lenders,
    I am so grateful for the chance you and this organisation have given me to start my photo business. I must say this organisation has been a blessing and I thank God for all of you who helped and raised the fund for me to be a happy father and and business man. Some weeks ago, I asked for some loan to buy an instant digital printer and you gratefully gave me the said amount. I must say it really helped in improving my income. I had to pay the loan beyond the original plan.
    Unfortunately, last week Saturday, my camera's lens got locked, I forced to rotate it and it had to break within. I am therefore wishing to ask for another loan to buy a lens for my Nikon D3000.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Sep 24, 2015

    Hi Zidisha Team,
    I love it to be here. zidisha loan helped me start a hobby I placed down due to finance but today it is now helping me take care of my family as while as developing the business. I almost finished paying my second loan and hope to take a third one with the hope of developing my business gradually. Once again I say thank you to the Zidisha team and the lenders. I really appreciate your great work in us the lest privileged. May God richly Bless you.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Sep 14, 2015

    Zidisha loan has so much helped me that I do not know how to express it. I must say that my last loan has really came in time to raise my income as I was able to buy a small printer for my outer programs. I had always wished to have an instant printer but through the help of Zidisha, I have been able to purchase one and I say once again thank you to all my lenders. I hope when I ask for more help you will continue to support me achieve my dream of having at least a studio where I can employ about five workers to start my business.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Aug 3, 2015

    Hello Zidisha team,
    I am most grateful for the loan of $110 giving me for the purchase of my instant printer. It is really great to be in business with you. I am yet to buy the product, hopefully I will buy it today. I will later send the photo to my profile. You do not know how grateful I am to my lenders. I say once again, thank you my lenders for making my dream come through. May my God continue to bless you, to continue to be a blessing to most less privileged in our society.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Jul 28, 2015

    I thank God for this opportunity to buy the instant photo printer for my business. This will go a long to increase my earning weekly. I therefore extend my gratitude to all my lenders, and promise to pay on time. I am so grateful for your support. May the Almighty God bless you for helping me and all who call on you for help. Thank you.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Jul 16, 2015

    I am taking this opportunity to thank all my lenders for the opportunity granted me, to have the chance of starting my photo business. It has been a great help unto me and my family. Having finished paying my loan, I have the privilege to say thank you to all who facilitated this loan for me. I hope my next request will meet your wonderful desire to help me build my photo business. I really appreciate your help, may God richly bless you all.

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  • Samuel Kwame    Jun 10, 2015

    Thanks to God, through the help of Zidisha, I have a contract for an engagement and wedding ceremony this week end. I am very grateful for the help I received. God bless the entire team. Amen.

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  • Samuel Kwame    May 27, 2015

    I just received my loan, I am most grateful to my lenders(Michel Bavin and Paul Buchheit ) for their quick response to my call and to ZIDISHA for this amazing and life changing platform..... May God bless you all. Thank you once again.

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