Fixed a leak


Semarang, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

December 2017

On-time repayments

5 installments  •  80%

About Me

I am 31 year old woman & have 2 place of study guidance. I started this business already from 2004 when I started college. Initially just as a side job. But finally I found that I like teaching world.

My Business

My business is tutoring for junior high and high school. I has been in this field since 2004. I need funds to buy a desk chair and pay tentor because the number of students increase so i should hire a teacher.

Loan Proposal

The most urgent is to immediately fix leakage of study space at some point of the room. The walls are also getting damp and the paint is peeling off. I also need to pay a monthly rental fee for the branch where les because there I still pioneered and the number of my students is still a little so that the operational costs are still swelled compared to the income of buanan. Hopefully zidisha can help me.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Saya lahir dan besar di Semarang. Teman - teman mengatakan bahwa saya adalah seorang pekerja keras. Saya sudah mulai belajar berwirausaha dari SMA. Dari usaha saat SMA itu saya mampu membeli handphone pertama saya dan membayar uang sekolah saya. Waktu kuliah, saya juga kuliah sambil bekerja agar saya dapat membayar uang kuliah saya sendiri.

My Business

Saya mempunyai usaha bimbingan belajar. Saya memilih usaha ini karena saya sudah mulai mengajar sejak kuliah. Awalnya ini adalah usaha sampingan. Tapi akhirnya saya jatuh cinta dengan pekerjaan ini.

Loan Proposal

Yang paling mendesak adalah segera memperbaiki kebocoran ruang belajar di beberapa titik ruangan. Tembok juga mulai lembap dan cat mengelupas. Saya juga butuh untuk membayar biaya sewa bulanan untuk cabang tempat les karena disitu saya masih merintis dan jumlah murid saya masih sedikit sehingga biaya operasional masih membengkak dibandingkan pemasukan buanan. Semoga zidisha dapat membantu saya.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 28, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week



Melbourne, Australia

Ask Maria a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Jun 29, 2018


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Jul 6, 2018 $10.00 Jun 29, 2018 $10.00
