Looking for funds to buy and sell used cars

Abraham Soplero

Maluku Barat Daya, Indonesia

Funds disbursed

$0 to go

100% funded of $11 goal


days left



Abraham Soplero

Member since

December 2022

On-time repayments

1 installment  •  0%

About Me

Abraham, a successful entrepreneur from Southwest Maluku, born in 1978, is over 50 years old and has been working in the transportation sector.

My Business

Companies engaged in buying and selling used cars. With these very difficult economic conditions, many people cannot afford to buy new cars, either in cash or on credit. From survey results to several car show rooms, lately the demand for second hand cars is quite high. Especially for car prices between 500 million to 600 million and can reach 800 million

Project Proposal

Funding buying and selling used cars in my area. 90 profit

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

Abraham pengusaha sukses asal dari maluku barat daya kelahiran tahun 1978 berumur 50 tahun lebih dan sudah berkecimpung di bidang transportasi.

My Business

Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jual beli mobil bekas, Dengan kondisi ekonomi yang sangat sulit ini, banyak sekali masyarakat yang tidak mampu untuk membeli mobil baru, baik yang secara tunai ataupun kredit.
Dari hasil survei ke beberapa show room mobil, akhir-akhir ini permintaan mobil second cukup tinggi. Terutama untuk harga mobil antara 500jt sampai dengan 600jt dan bisa mencapai 800jt

Loan Proposal

Pendanaan jual beli mobil bekas didaerah saya. 90 keuntungan





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 27, 2022



Kigumo Town, Kenya

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