Developing a restaurant business that i run


Makassar, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

November 2017

On-time repayments

67 installments  •  16%

About Me

I am a pramita living and growing up in makassar my last education S1. the difficulty at the time of losing a father who must make self-living sy live from selling online until now sy open the restaurant itself. because I want to live independently. his people are very friendly to accept anyone from other cultures enter in our land. become a successful entrepreneur. Cook cook.

My Business

I do not sell goods but I sell food dimna all org need and that is the basic human needs. because all people need to eat. because the result is very quite bgs in appeal sy online business first. the first fare of 25jt and net turnover of 5,000,000 of the exact business segment because sy personally wants to raise my culinary business.

Loan Proposal

I will buy necessities such as groceries, and I also want to buy some cooking utensils which is certainly very useful for me, I will use the best loan you give. thank you

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About Me

hello saya pramita ingin meminta bantuan kepada anda yang bersedia membantu saya , saya akan mempergunakan dana yang anda pinjamkan dengan baik saya sangat berharap kepada investor mohon kiranya membantu saya dan saya akan mengembalikan pinjaman saya sebelum jatuh tempo berakhir terimakasih

My Business

usaha saya adalah rumah makan yang dimna semua orang membutuhkannya di tempat saya menyediakan ayam ika seafood yang sangat enak dan terjangkau harganya, dan saya juga baru saja membuat siap santap seperti nasi campur dan nasi goreng.

Loan Proposal

saya akan membeli kebutuhan seperti bahan makanan,dan saya juga ingin membeli beberapa alat masak yang tentunya sangat berguna untuk saya , saya akan menggunakan sebaik-baiknya pinjaman yg anda berikan. terima kasih





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 9, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 months


Robert Gould

San Antonio, Texas, United States

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