Member since
February 2018
On-time repayments
41 installments • 68%
name: Dadan samsudin age 31 has a son, I work in a sewing tailor, especially sewing t-shirt
I work in the field of sewing clothes for children, in fact the robe made from t-shirts in my workplace has 15 employees, quite a lot for the size of convection
this fund will I use to buy cutting machine for coas production sebenarnnya mebutuh more funds to buy a sewing machine but for a while I nyicil first buy a cut engine aja first
Show original Bahasa Indonesia
nama: Dadan samsudin
umur 31
mempunya anak,saya bekerja di biadang konveksi jahit,khususnya jahit kaos anak
saya bekerja di bidang jahit pakaian
pakaian kaos anak,tèpatnya gamis yang di bikin dari bahan kaos di tempat kerja saya ada 15 orang karyawan lumayan banyak untuk ukuran konveksi
dana ini akan saya pergunakan untuk beli mesin potong buat produksi koas sebenarnnya sayabutuh dana lebih untuk beli mesin jahit tapi untuk sementara saya nyicil dulu beli mesin potong aja dulu
Project Type
Classic Loan
Disbursed amount
Date disbursed
Apr 19, 2018
Repayment status
On Time
Projected term
3 months
Other loans
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