Microphones and soundcard for music studio


Tema, Ghana

10% repaid




Member since

June 2015

On-time repayments

93 installments  •  3%

About Me

I am Frederick Attah Wonder. I come from Ho, a town in the Volta Region of Ghana. I am the first born of a family of four: my mother, my two younger sisters and myself. I was born in Tema in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. I spent part of my childhood days in Tema and part in Ho. Upon completion of Mawuli Senior High School in Ho, I moved back to Tema for a few years and then to Accra. Currently, I work as a musician in my church. I live on my own at Dansoman, a suburb of Accra- the capital city of my country Ghana. As the first born, it is incumbent on me to support my younger sisters, who are still in school, financially since my mother doesn’t earn enough to cater for them single-handedly. I have been managing to support them since I started working. I love computer programming and music production. Hence I am setting up my home music studio.

My Business

I love music with a great passion. Hence I work as a musician at my church, International Central Gospel Church. I am the music director of one of the choirs there in my church which has about 50 members. Also, I am the main keyboardist in the band (Zamar band) and a bass guitarist in the choir I direct. I love to help young singers to develop their music to market standard. Also, I needed an alternate source of income to be able to help my family meet its fast-growing financial needs. So I put together the few resources (studio gadgets) I had available and started working with some of my friends who are singers and musicians. I have been recording songs for them for a little above one year now. They love my work and they want to keep working with me so that I can produce their songs for them. Through their testimonies about the uniqueness of my style, other singers and musicians hear of me and come to work with me. Since my studio is not fully established, due to limited studio gadgets (which is as a result of limited finances), it is impossible to produce their songs to the standard and quality I desire. Despite the financial hindrance, I am still working with the few gadgets I have to produce demos for the singers and musicians I am working with.

Loan Proposal

My name is Frederick Attah Wonder. I am a young worker who supports my family: two younger sisters and my mother.
I love music with a great passion. Hence I work as a musician at my church, International Central Gospel Church. I am the music director of one of the choirs there in my church which has about 50 members. Also, I am the main keyboardist in the band (Zamar band) and a bass guitarist in the choir I direct. I love to help young singers to develop their music to market standard. Also, I needed an alternate source of income to be able to help my family meet its fast-growing financial needs. So I put together the few resources (studio gadgets) I had available and started working with some of my friends who are singers and musicians. I have been recording songs for them for about one year now. They love my work and they want to keep working with me so that I can produce their songs for them. Through their testimonies about the uniqueness of my style, other singers and musicians hear of me and come to work with me. Since my studio is not fully established, due to limited studio gadgets (which is as a result of limited finances), it is almost impossible to produce their songs to the standard and quality I desire. Despite the financial hindrance, I am still working with the few gadgets I have to produce demos for the singers and musicians I am working with.
I need about $200 to purchase some gadgets for my studio and I will be very glad to receive financial assistance from the Zidisha team and lenders.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jul 20, 2015

Repayment status


Projected term

21 months




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