Bike for milk distribution


Kinoru, Kenya

40% paid forward




Member since

December 2015

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  100%

About Me

Introduce yourself to lenders.
My name is faith kathambi. I was raised in a humble background in the rural location of Meru County in Kenya. I have lots of sibling who depend on me. In my childhood, made good and bad friends, the right amount to teach me important lessons about People. I am a graduate of Nazarene university where i earned a bachelor of commerce degree in marketing.
I ran a cereal shop from my little the saving. As you can see from my photo the stock is low and the demand is high. I humbly request for a loan to expand. Thank you.

My Business

Describe your business or income source.
I ran a cereal shop from my savings. i mainly sell beans,maize and wheat. I time during harvest seasons where i purchase at farm gate prices. Right now the demand is too high due to the draught that is being experienced in some parts of our country and still there is a boarding school that i supply. I chose the business Since i know of institutions that depend on stores like mine for food supply. I use the profits to pay school fees for my younger sibling and also expanding the business.

Project Proposal

Purchase a bike to aid in distribution. Currently,I depend mostly on walk in customers who require large quantities of my products. If I get a bike i can make more sales.





Project Info

Project Type

Pay It Forward

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 4, 2024



Nairobi/serem, Kenya

Donald Major

United States


Salatiga, Indonesia


Nairobi, Kenya


Nairobi, Kenya


Lusaka, Zambia


Kabwe, Zambia


Chingola, Zambia

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$32 (3 Projects)

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$14 (1 Project)

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