Mirrors and a shaving machine


Kericho, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

April 2015

On-time repayments

19 installments  •  32%

About Me

I am AnthonyKgen. born in 1986 in the western part of Kericho County ( Kericho West). Born to a single mother of two in a place called Jericho. Life has never been a walk in the park since I was born to a single parent. She struggled to give us good education and later have a well paying job. She took us to the nearest public school called Chepkutung Primary and strugled all her life to see that she always paid fees in time. The struggle sometimes could make us go and pluck tea and have contracts with the nearest tea plantation so that she manages our fees. I joined Tengecha High school and completed my O levels in 2006 during the tenure in High school we could sometimes leave school and come and assist in minor duties so that we get our fees paid in time especially when we were on holiday. After high school I passed very well and could not join University because of lack of fees. My elder sister now married was married earlier because she could not complete her studies due to lack of fess.

My Business

After completing my high school my mum gave me Ksh 3000 (aprox 34USD). My uncle who was in the shopping center near our village and operated a small Shop gave me a small space in his shop and I Used the amount given to buy a shaving machine in the year 2007. After the post election Violence the business dropped drastically. By that time the business was making profits of up to 500Usd in one month. My uncle became the mentor in all because he was operating the shop and sometimes comes and assist me in the Kinyozi business ( barber) . Since then the business has been a source of living for I and my mum who always goes for contract in the tea estates so that we get food and shelter. My main achievement in this is to find a good home for I and my mum where we can call home since we live with our grandmother thanks for his kindness.

Loan Proposal

First let me thank the lenders for coming up with this platform:
Since my barbershop need a lot of improvement day by day currently i am experiencing shortage of a shaving machine. in this I will use the amount to buy a shaving machine since the one I am currently using is old a new machine will cost Usd50 and two mirrors @ 25 usd.. the profits from the business will go an extra mile to saving to further my education and renting my mum a house so that we cannot stay in my granny place again.





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

May 4, 2015

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

4 months




Windermere, United States

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