Mlking tools


Eldoret, Kenya

100% repaid




Member since

February 2019

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  50%

About Me

Am young man with farming skills and extensive knowledge in agriculture. I was born in rift valley province in a family of 7 children, three boys and 4 girls, I took my primary and secondary education in our local schools where i had to walk to and from school. From my humble background my father used to ask me to drop 5 liters of milk to a shop along the way to my school later on i came to realize its from the milk that he managed to raise my school fees. I used to admire the hard work watching my father wake up very early to milk the cows and arrange his jobs motivated me into farming. At a tender age i started practicing how to milk a cow and when i was able i helped my father with duties. Life moved on and later i joined campus.
I found it hard to enjoy life in campus every time i remembered my background and how my sisters sacrificed so that i can go to school, my elder sister decided to get married after high school to pave way for me to be educated.
Admiring how friends attended to parties living lavish life but deep inside me i had a promise to my siblings to study one day make it in life and to educate them as well. I thank God for all the support and sacrifices i received and today working close with my parents and family is just but blessings and lots of blessings.
After college i joined my father in dairy farming tried to invest my skills and knowledge towards improving and changing what i could to maximize the profits. I later got married now struggling to make ends meet for my family.

My Business

Dairy farming is keeping of cows for milk production.
A liter of milk cost 50 kes, feeds and water is available during rainy seasons. A times drought raises the cost of feeds and water becomes a problem thus low milk production and poor health for my cows.
Early this year My father and i had plans to sell a small piece of land so that we can buy a pickup track but mother disagreed with the idea and we settled on saving towards the plan.
If all goes well, this years savings will help our family buy a pickup tract one with a coiling system which will enable us to transport the milk to local areas where we will sell at high prices.
God bless you and God bless us all.

Loan Proposal

20 us dollars i will spend on buying milking cans and jelly.u





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Mar 24, 2019

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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