Mobile data subscription for my online freelancer job


Onitsha, Nigeria

100% repaid




Member since

December 2018

On-time repayments

22 installments  •  59%

About Me

Hey. My name is Ugochukwu, a web developer. A B.Ed holder under political science. I have been into full time teaching for two years without good record of archeivement, I stepped out of the class room, join insurance company where I currently work as a the executive marketing officer. While still working there, there is something I have long to do, which is programming.
I make out my time, subscribe a web developer course on udemy, where I developed my programming skill.
While I still work as an insurer, I devote my time on building my own digital business, which am currently working on now, but will soon launch it. Hopefully, towards the end of this year.

My Business

I work as an insurer, while I still takes up some freelance job from freelance site on web deceloper, develop sites for my friends and relatives. Through these means, I make up the money to support myself, buy some softwares, plugins, themes, adons etc. while working on my mega business that is coming up soon.

Loan Proposal

As an online freelancer, I want to use the money to renew my mobile data subscription, and my freelancer account subscription.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Dec 14, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Ugochukwu a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


