Hp and pulse counter capital


Cilacap, Indonesia


$0 to go

100% funded of $150 goal


days left




Member since

October 2015

On-time repayments

4 installments  •  0%

About Me

name: sagio ragil pamungkas place and date of birth: cilacap, august 20 1991 citizenship: Indonesia card number resident (ktp): 3301032008910001 address: jl.karanag suci no.10 rt.002 / 009 hamlet pejaten kalikudi village adipala district cilacap district Central Java Province INDONESIA

My Business

GIO PROJECT "CUSTOM HELMET, PAINTING ZONE AND FIBERGLASS ART Moving in the service of modification, custom or manufacture of helmets, motor body and paint or air brush helmet, motor body and making accessories made from glass fiber ... my business was established in February 2017 until now. Address my business jl. Holy place no.10 rt.002 rw.009 kalikudi village adipala district cilacap central java province indonesia. Fiber glass is usually used for basic materials for shipbuilding, I apply for modification helmet or motor body besides quality that has been Strongly proven fiberglass is also easy to find in my city, besides fiber glass is also easily applied to all fields of fiber glass and automotive glass fiber is very well known in the automotive world especially modification lovers because of its strength besides fiber gio project also provides painting and air brush services or painting services with motifs and images, usually my most consumers are custom helmets o the project helps my consumers, who are mostly young people because they want to have helmets that cost a lot of money by repainting what they want.

Loan Proposal

capital for the purchase price of the storefront storefront 100x200x50 Rp2.100.000 because all this time I was selling only at home without counter ...__ as consideration I was not married I worked on electronics and furniture pt.prioritas finance as supervisor..saya has a sideline business selling pulses etc office and houses, __ please help to finance my business ..

My Videos

Sep 3, 2023: Lukisan dari kayu by gio project

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

nama: sagio ragil pamungkas
tempat dan tgl lahir:cilacap,20 agustus 1991
Kewarga negara: indoneaia
no kartu tanda penduduk(ktp):3301032008910001
alamat : jl.karanag suci no.10 rt.002/009 dusun pejaten desa kalikudi kecamatan adipala kabupaten cilacap provinsi jawa tengah INDONESIA

My Business


Bergerak dibidang jasa modifikasi,custom atau pembuatan helm,body motor dan cat atau air brush helmet,body motor serta pembuatan asesoris berbahan fiber glass..
usaha saya dirikan bulan februari 2017 sampai dengan sekarang.

Alamat usaha saya jl.karang suci no.10 rt.002 rw.009 desa kalikudi kecamatan adipala kabupaten cilacap provinsi jawa tengah negara indonesia.

Fiber glass biasanya digunakan untuk bahan dasar pembuatan kapal,saya aplikasikan untuk modifikasi helmet atau body motor selain kualitas yang sudah terbukti kuat fiberglass juga mudah dicari dikota saya,selain itu fiber glass juga mudah diaplikasikan untuk segala bidang.
fiber glass dan otomotif?
fiber glass sangat terkenal didunia otomotif kususnya para pecinta modifikasi karna kekuatannya.
selain fiber gio project juga menyediakan jasa painting dan air brush atau jasa pengecetan dengan motif dan gambar.
biasanya konsumen saya yang terbanyak adalah custom helmet.
gio project membantu konsumen saya yang kebanyakan kaula muda karna ingin memiliki helmet yang harganya luar biaa mahal dengan repainting sesuai dengan apa yang mereka mau.

Loan Proposal

modal untuk membeli etalase 100x200x50 harga etalase tersebut Rp2.100.000 karna selama ini saya jualan hanya dirumah tanpa counter...
sebagai pertimbangan saya belum menikah saya bekerja di pt.prioritas elektronik and furniture finance sebagai supervisor..saya mempunyai usaha sambilan jualan pulsa dll dikantor dan rumah,
mohon bantuannya untuk membiayai usaha saya..





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Amount requested


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  • Sagiyo    Sep 3, 2023

    to purchase 30 pcs of wooden boards for media at a price of 15,000 idr per piece and to buy duco paint for painting 150,000 idr

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