Capital additional traditional cuisine indnesia, rice liwet


Dki Jakarta, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

September 2017

On-time repayments

11 installments  •  64%

About Me

I was an employee but since the birth of my second child I decided to quit my job and make an entrepreneurial food. Cook is one of my hobbies, so besides cooking for family as well as I cook for sale. So while looking for profits by selling food, while I take care of the children at home too.

My Business

I am currently focused on selling sandwiches. Because sandwiches are easy to make, the ingredients are cheap and do not take long to sell them because the average person needs a sandwich for breakfast, so afternoon I can focus on managing the child again. The results of selling sandwiches I use for the cost of child lesions. Currently in addition to receiving orders for breakfast office-office, I also sell at the bazaar or sports venues. With this capital loan, I expect the number of sales of my sandwich can also increase so that income can also increase.

Loan Proposal

I will add a variant menu in liwet rice, so it can be more intriguing interest buyer, because more and more menu choices can be selected.

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About Me

Saya dulu seorang karyawan namun semenjak lahir anak kedua saya memutuskan untuk berhenti kerja dan berwiraswasta membuat makanan. Masak adalah salah satu hobi saya, jadi selain memasak untuk keluarga sekaligus juga saya masak untuk dijual. Jadi sambil mencari keuntungan dengan menjual makanan, sambil saya menjaga anak dirumah juga.

My Business

Saat ini saya sedang fokus dengan usaha menjual sandwich. Karena sandwich mudah dibuat, bahannya murah dan tidak membutuhkan waktu lama untuk menjualnya karena rata-rata orang butuh sandwich untuk sarapan, jadi siang saya bisa fokus urus anak lagi. Hasil jualan sandwich saya gunakan untuk biaya les anak. Saat ini selain menerima pesanan untuk sarapan dikantor-kantor, saya juga berjualan di bazar atau tempat olah raga. Dengan adanya pinjaman modal ini, saya harapkan jumlah penjualan sandwich saya juga bisa meningkat sehingga penghasilan juga bisa bertambah.

Loan Proposal

Saya akan menambah varian menu dalam nasi liwet, sehingga dapat semakin menrik minat pemesan, karena semakin banyak pilihan menu yang bisa dipilih.





  • Julie    Nov 1, 2017

    Repayment well ahead of time. Best of luck to you, Vira!

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Sep 17, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

3 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

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  • Vira    Nov 6, 2017

    Thank you for trusting me for lending me money. I will maximize the funds to increase the purchase of raw materials for my catering business.

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