Additional capital of trading t-shirts distro

Ahmad Harist

Bekasi, Indonesia

100% repaid



Ahmad Harist

Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

20 installments  •  75%

About Me name Ahmad Harist Alfarisy I am an employee in a private company which is engaged in the beverage industry. to supplement my income, I am now pioneering the business of buying and selling T-shirts, women"s clothes, jackets and others. which I bought in bandung city and resale in town cikarang bekasi. but I have difficulty in Capital. luckily I have ZIDISHA, who lend me the capital and Alhamdulillah my business is now running, although still fairly small ..

My Business

Although still fairly small, but I"m sure my business will buy and sell fashion BIG. buying and selling clothes / fashion is a very in need and needed by the community. for that, I am sure if in live with diligence and hard work my business will go forward and develop. although still fairly small, my business turnover is quite spelled lucrative, because I bought goods in the city of Bandung and sold in the city of bekasi with 3 times per pcs him. profits that I get from this business, not all of them I use for my life .. but I still share the profits to be distributed to the most needy as every month I always donate YATIM and DHUAFA.

Loan Proposal

To increase capital purchase goods __T-shirt distro in bandung city. __I love the example of a purchase in a dozen. ____ 1.t-shirt 12 pcs = 36 usd. ______ if I resell in jabodetabek area, with 1 pcs for 8 usd. . __try how many benefits: ____ 1 pcs t-shirt x 8 usd x 12 pcs = 96 usd. __modal 36 usd __ operational cost and others = 20 usd. __profit - capital - cost² = __ 96 usd -36 usd - 20 usd = 40 net profit usd.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

hi.nama saya Ahmad Harist Alfarisy
saya seorang karyawan di sebuah perusahaan swasta yg bergerak di bidang industri minuman.

untuk menambah penghasilan saya,saya sekarang sedang merintis bisnis jual beli T-shirt,baju wanita,jaket dan lain-lain.
yang saya beli di Kota bandung dan di jual kembali di kota cikarang bekasi.

akan tetapi saya kesulitan dalam hal Modal.
untung saja saya ada ZIDISHA,yang meminjami saya modal dan Alhamdulillah bisnis saya sekarang sudah berjalan,walaupun masih terbilang masih kecil..

My Business

Walaupun masih terbilang masih kecil,tetapi saya yakin bisnis jual beli fashion saya akan menjadi BESAR.

jual beli baju /fashion adalah barang yang sangat di perlukan dan di butuhkan oleh masyarakat .untuk itu,saya yakin jika di jalani dengan ketekunan dan kerja keras bisnis saya ini akan maju dan berkembang.

walaupun masih terbilang kecil,omset bisnis saya ini cukup terbilang menggiurkan,karena saya beli barang di kota bandung dan di jual kembali di kota bekasi dengan 3 kali lipat per pcs nya.

keuntungan yang saya peroleh dari bisnis ini,tidak semua nya saya pakai untuk kehidupan saya..
akan tetapi saya tetap membagi keuntungan untuk di bagikan ke yang paling membutuhkan seperti tiap sebulan sekali saya selalu menyumbang YATIM dan DHUAFA.

Loan Proposal

untuk menambah modal pembelian barang
T-shirt distro di kota bandung.
saya kasih contoh pembelian dalam satu lusin.

1.t-shirt 12 pcs =36 usd.

jika saya jual kembali di area jabodetabek,dengan 1 pcs seharga 8 usd..
coba perhatikan berapa keuntungannya:

1 pcs t-shirt x 8 usd x 12 pcs =96 usd.
modal 36 usd
biaya operasional dan lain - lain =20 usd.
keuntungan - modal - biaya²=
96 usd -36 usd - 20 usd=40 usd untung bersih.





  • Margaret    Oct 4, 2018

    Ahmad Harist borrowed $55.00 over a year ago and has not made a single payment towards this. I would not trust him for another loan in the future.

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Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Aug 27, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

6 weeks


Paul Buchheit

Mountain View, United States

Ask Ahmad Harist a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.



Amount repaid


Amount remaining


Date repaid

Oct 8, 2017


Fully repaid

Repayment History

Expected Payments Actual Payments
Sep 9, 2017 $6.89 Oct 3, 2017 $6.89
Sep 16, 2017 $6.89 Oct 3, 2017 $6.89
Sep 23, 2017 $6.89 Oct 3, 2017 $6.89
Sep 30, 2017 $6.89 Oct 3, 2017 $6.89
Oct 7, 2017 $6.89 Oct 7, 2017 $6.89
Oct 14, 2017 $1.72 Oct 8, 2017 $1.72
