Venture capital


Surabaya, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

June 2018

On-time repayments

10 installments  •  70%

About Me

introduce me dian rizkiyani a housewife and have two children. i have a hobby of keeping a small fish fish that is unique and i care well in aquarium.
I have two children, boys and girls and I hope to send them to a higher level and useful to many people helping the community, I hope my son can become a doctor.
I am very proud to be a mother of my two children and I am very happy with my family.
I have a hardworking and responsible husband to our family.
I am very grateful because my husband is very supportive of the business I manage.
I come from a small town in western Indonesia in the city of Cianjur the natural state there is very cool peace and away from the metropolitan in my area lies a lot of rice fields and there is a very wide lake and many farmers cultivate fish.
In addition, my area of ​​residence is close to gede pangrango mountain a very beautiful tourist destination with beautiful mountain scenery and tea plantation.

My Business

The business that I am developing nowadays is the online clothing sales business starting from the shoe clothes and daily clothing items that I manage with my husband, besides I have a vegetable trading business in the compound of the house where I live Alhamdulillah the vegetable trade business that I manage is quite developed and can finance my child's primary school. Many of my customers are mothers of my home complex,
Why do I choose both businesses because the business can be quite the turnaround results for the cost of my daily life and the cost of my child's school aside from my husband's job income.
And the initial capital cost for my business is not too big of its capital and affordable because I give priority to my vegetable merchandise subscriber's customer satisfaction.
I hope that in the future, I can grow more in pioneering my business to make my family prosperous and useful for the people around me.

Loan Proposal

I am a housewife who wants to have business activities to help the family"s economy and ease the burden of her husband in meeting the needs of the family

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

introduce me dian rizkiyani a housewife and have two children. i have a hobby of keeping a small fish fish that is unique and i care well in aquarium.
I have two children, boys and girls and I hope to send them to a higher level and useful to many people helping the community, I hope my son can become a doctor.
I am very proud to be a mother of my two children and I am very happy with my family.
I have a hardworking and responsible husband to our family.
I am very grateful because my husband is very supportive of the business I manage.
I come from a small town in western Indonesia in the city of Cianjur the natural state there is very cool peace and away from the metropolitan in my area lies a lot of rice fields and there is a very wide lake and many farmers cultivate fish.
In addition, my area of ​​residence is close to gede pangrango mountain a very beautiful tourist destination with beautiful mountain scenery and tea plantation.

My Business

The business that I am developing nowadays is the online clothing sales business starting from the shoe clothes and daily clothing items that I manage with my husband, besides I have a vegetable trading business in the compound of the house where I live Alhamdulillah the vegetable trade business that I manage is quite developed and can finance my child's primary school. Many of my customers are mothers of my home complex,
Why do I choose both businesses because the business can be quite the turnaround results for the cost of my daily life and the cost of my child's school aside from my husband's job income.
And the initial capital cost for my business is not too big of its capital and affordable because I give priority to my vegetable merchandise subscriber's customer satisfaction.
I hope that in the future, I can grow more in pioneering my business to make my family prosperous and useful for the people around me.

Loan Proposal

saya ibu rumah tangga yang menginginkan ada kegiatan usaha untuk membantu perekenomian keluarga dan meringankan beban suami dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga





Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Jun 29, 2018

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

1 week


Hans Moor

Vorden, Netherlands

Ask Dian a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


