Capital sideline mother


Gresik, Indonesia

100% repaid




Member since

April 2017

On-time repayments

112 installments  •  70%

About Me

My name umi, mother of 2 children. My husband is studying therefore has no income. I began a small business at home to cover all the needs of the children"s school, my husband"s school as well. the largest expenditure is the needs of children, from diapers of children who each month spend quite a lot of funds. In order to avoid diapers the children do not spend a lot of money I started looking for discounts and discounts in ecommerce, supplier diapers in order to buy cheap. To get a cheap price it must buy daam a lot. So I started offering friends to both order. that"s where I get the benefits. From the desire to buy children"s needs at a low price and the desire to help other mothers to be able to buy baby needs at an affordable price I started selling diapers and milk. I use discounts and discounts to collect stocks of my diapers and dairy products. why I want to sell diapers because the price in diapers shop is very high. by taking it directly at supplier and promo discount2 I can get lower diapers prices and can sell at lower prices than the shops. mothers can be more efficient for the needs of diapers children. while for the stock of milk I have not dared to stock because there is milk expirednya period so I still dare not take risks to stock fear for trigger expired.

My Business

because the capital is still less I only accept orders can not stock a lot of goods. every one of my messages just take the goods to the supplier. goods come me to buyer, buyer pay. money profit I spend more goods. so on and on. because the money I have to share also for other needs. in the future with a capital loan hopefully I can increase my sales stock. After getting the first loan from zidisha, my sales stock gradually increased, although not yet dare to stock a lot because the money must be played again in order to meet other needs. hopefully in the future can continue to be trusted by zidisha so that my desire is reached to open shop needs of children and toddlers. hopefully can get more loan to add stock. because in addition to meet the needs of the children themselves can help other mothers to get diapers of children at a cheaper price. hopefully can be realized baby store needs at affordable prices.

Loan Proposal

venture capital is expected I could add my selling stock that disposable diapers and toddler milk, so that when people want to buy not disappointed because the items to be purchased there.

Show original Bahasa Indonesia  

About Me

hai,nama saya umi kulsum. saya seorang lulusan sarjana,sekarang saya bekerja paruh waktu di sekolah. karena saya harus mengurus dua anak saya sendiri jadi saya hanya bisa bekerja paruh waktu. sekarang suami saya sedang melanjutkan studi jadi otomatis berhenti bekerja,oleh karena itu saya memulai usaha kecil-kecilan di rumah tanpa harus meninggalkan anak saya agar ada tambahan pemasukan. saya pun memulai usaha dirumah berjualan kebutuhan anak yaitu popok dan susu.

My Business

awal mula usaha saya karena keluhan tingginya pengeluaran kebutuhan anak yaitu pengeluaran popok sehingga saya mencari suplier atau pedagang besar yang bisa memberikan harga murah. untuk memdapatkan harga murah ternyata pembelian harus dalam jumlah banyak. akhirnya saya mulai menawarkan teman-teman yang punya anak bayi dan balita untuk sama-sama membeli popok tentu saja saya juga mengambil untung dari setiap popok yang saya jual. mulai dari teman,akhirnya menawarkan ke yang lain banyak juga yang pesan. tetapi saya masih terbatas menerima pesanan saja belum bisa stok banyak karena modal terbatas dan uang juga dipakai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga yang lain. sudah 3 kali saya meminjam di zidisha dan ini mengajukan pinjaman ke-4 semoga pinjaman bisa dibiayai sepenuhnya untuk tambahan modal memenuhi pesanan-pesanan yang masuk.
saya belum berani buka toko yang lebih besar karena modal masih sangat minim dan perputaran uang yang lama jika barang di stok,jadi sampai saat ini masih terbatas memenuhi pesanan yang masuk saja. ke depannya ingin buka toko tetapi mungkin menunggu modal yang lebih dan jika uang untuk keperluan rumah tangga bisa terpisah. jujur sekarang masih tercampur modal usaha dengan uang untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga karena saya masih memenuhi kebutuhan semuanya sendiri selama suami melanjutkan studinya.
semoga zidisha bisa memberikan pinjaman karena hanya di zidisha yang bisa memberikan pinjaman lunak tanpa ada jaminan tanpa ada bunga. semoga usaha saya bisa berjalan lancar lagi.
terima kasih zidisha atas bantuannya.

Loan Proposal

dengan modal usaha ini diharapkan saya bisa menambah stok jualan saya yaitu popok sekali pakai dan susu balita,sehingga ketika orang mau membeli tidak kecewa karena barang yang mau dibeli tidak ada.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Apr 21, 2017

Repayment status

On Time

Projected term

7 weeks


Humble Bundle Community

San Francisco, United States

Ask Umi a question about this project, share news and photos of your own, or send a simple note of thanks or inspiration.


