Money to add stock

Mary Gorrety

Masogo Village, Kenya

2% repaid



Mary Gorrety

Member since

May 2015

On-time repayments

267 installments  •  26%

About Me

I am a mother of six children two girls and four boys all my children are still alive and my husband also Mr martin Were who is also a village elder in our Masogo Village four of my children live in Nairobi my last born is still in primary school std 7 and my second last is in his first year at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology,we moved to Masogo some ten years back after my husband retired from his job and we settled here at his fathers farm,I started my business back then so I may assist him to bring up our children and to help grow our village.During my free time I travel to visit my children and I also like to socialize with people so I attend forums since am also a volunteer at KEMRI and other community projects.

My Business

My business involve selling of new and second hand bags which I buy from Gikomba market in Nairobi and take them to my village I found this business to be profitable since my village is remote and it has a big population and most of the people there are settled there doing crops and animal farming so there is flow of cash but they do not have time to travel to Nairobi to buy this products that they need so I do the work for them and they pay well.From the profit i get from my business I save the rest I cost share with my hgusband to support my family expences.

Loan Proposal

The amount of ksh14,813 equivalent to USD140 I will use to add stock to my bag sales business so as to target December holidays and January back to school preparations,this will help my business earn big profits and repaying of the loan won't be stress thanks.






Loan Info

Project Type

Classic Loan

Disbursed amount


Date disbursed

Nov 1, 2017

Repayment status


Projected term

34 months



Perth, Australia

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